Royal Bulgaria (18791946): The Bulgarian Ruling Court (personalities, positions, biographies)
Царска България (1879—1946). Българският владетелски двор (личности, длъжности, биографии)
Category: Modern Bulgarian History
Language: Bulgarian


   The royal theme in Bulgaria is outliving the tendency to be viewed in a taboo, elitist, extravagant way. After the Second World War, the "royal" was put under ban, and scientific research in this field remained the privilege of historians loyal to the government. After 1989, this tabooisation of the subject made it of primary interest. The proposed monograph aims to systematize knowledge on the topic.


Publisher Knigomania
Language Bulgarian
Pages 688
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding hardback
ISBN 9786191954070
Creation date 2025
Size 21 х 29 cm

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