Islam: The Alternative
Der Islam als Alternative
Ислямът като алтернатива
Category: Theology
Language: Bulgarian
An intellectual response to the claim that secular democracy and capitalism are the pinnacle of civilization, this book introduces Islam for “westerners who seek to understand Islam on a personal level.” The book caused a public scandal when it first appeared in Europe because of people's shock that the prominent author had accepted Islam. After its publication, Hoffman — a former German diplomat, Director of information for NATO and a Harvard Law graduate — was attacked by the German media. Hoffman's primary objective is building bridges between Islam and the West.
While the Western world and communism oppose each other, Islam can be seen as a "third way", i.e. as an opportunity between these two worldviews. Today, Islam is an alternative to the project of mastering life in one dualistic world. The fact that Islam will become the dominant religion of the 21st century worldwide is obvious to the Western observer. Islam is not only seen as an alternative to the politics of Western society — it is the alternative.
Table of contents
Ислямът и Западът
Завършената вяра
Християнствтото от гледище на исляма
Знание и вяра
Толерантност или наисилие
Република или монархия. Сунитството срещу шиитството
Интегризъм: ислямската държава
Ислямска пазарна икономика
Ислямът и околната среда
Забраната на изображенията и изкуството
Ислямска юриспруденция
Човешките права
Жената в обществото
Забуленият изток
Наказателно право или принцесата, убита с камъни
„Свещената война“
Международното право
Details | |
Publisher | Grand Mufti's Office of the Muslim Denomination in Republic of Bulgaria |
Language | Bulgarian |
Pages | 206 |
Illustrations | — |
Binding | paperback |
ISBN | 978-619-7406-31-3 |
Creation date | 2020 |
Size | 14 х 21 cm |