Dictionary of the Common Balkan Lexemes in the Literary Languages
Речник на общобалканската лексика в книжовните езици
Le lexique balkanique commun dans les langues littéraires
Language: Bulgarian with summaries in English and French
Contrastive Linguistics


    The dictionary of common Balkan lexemes in standardized languages ​​includes words from the Sprachbund of Balkan languages (Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek and Romanian). The dictionary contains 544 articles, in each of which the common words in the given languages ​​are presented, analyzing the similarities in their meanings, with notes on their etymology and ways of borrowing. The dictionary is divided into three parts, as the separate sections correspond to separate fragments of the model of the world:
   1) Outside world (everything outside the home, ie beyond the threshold): nature (surface, water bodies, vegetation and animals) and culture (construction, urban areas, arable land);
   2) Inner world (everything in the home to the threshold): home design, utensils, clothing, food, tools, personal and other accessories;
   3) Man (consciousness and psyche; social relations): man's relations with himself, with nature and culture (internal qualities, body parts, ethnicities, professions, kinship; ideas, moods, behavior, social relations).
   The aim of the dictionary is to create the core of a corpus of common Balkan lexemes related to material culture in the Balkans, dealing also with the theoretical and methodological problems involved.
Table of contents

П. Асенова. Общобалканката лексика в съвременните книжовни езици

R. Detrez. Common Balkan Lexemes as Components of a Balkan Linguistic and Cultural Union

P. Asenova. Le lexique balkanique commun dans les langues littéraires


Първи дял. Външен свят

1. Външен свят

1.1. Строителство, стопанство

1.2. Плавателни съдове

1.3. Селищна среда

1.4. Обработваема земя

2. Природа

2.1. Ладншафт. Време

2.2. Животни и растения

Втори дял. Вътрешен свят

1. Дом

2. Облекло

3. Храна

4. Домакинство. Инструменти. Оръжие

Трети дял. Човек (социални отношения. Съзнание и психика)

1. Етноси, професии, родствени връзки

2. Физически и психически качества на личността

3. Социални характеристиките на личността

4. Части на тялото

5. Социална среда и социални отношения. Съзнание, чувства, морал

6. Религия. Езически вярвания и религиозни култове (православие, ислям, юдаизъм)

7. Глаголи

8. Дискурсни маркери

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Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian with summaries in English and French
Pages 352
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-07-5271-6
Creation date 2021
Size 14 х 22 cm

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