Ivanka Gergova, Elissavetа Moussakova (eds.). Marginalia: Art Readings. Thematic Peеr-reviewed Annual in Art Studies, 2018, Vol. I: Old Art
Table of contents
N. Makuljević. In the Name of Art and Nation: Marginalisation of Early Modern Balkan Visual Culture
S. Pajić. Antonín J. Stránský — un historien de l’art oublié
R. Gicheva. Ivy in the Art and Religion of Ancient Thrace
M. Koleva. Hercules and His Protagonists: Images from Moesia Inferior
R. D’Amico. Les fresques de Montovolo: Un cycle ‘emarginé’ dans la montagne bolonaise
C. Firea. Identities Revealed by Symbols and Details: Patrons and Painters of Late Medieval Transylvanian Altarpieces
G. Parpulov. A Portuguese Salver in Sofia
L. Stošić. Western European Prints and the Religious Art in the Balkans (18th—19th Centuries)
E. Fanar. Further Remarks on Transfiguration in Shivta
Л. Домозетски. Изображенията на светците воини Димитър и Георги в стенописната програма на църквата „Св. Димитър“ в село Паталеница
L. Domozetski. The Images of the Warrior Saints Demetrios and George in the Wall Painting Programme of the Church of St Demetrios in Patalenitsa (summary)
С. Пейич. Богородица Застъпница от църквата „Въведение Богородично“ в манастира Яшуня (1499)
S. Pejić. The Virgin Mediatrix from the Church of the Presentation of the Theotokos, Monastery of Jašunja (1499) (summary)
M. Kolusheva. The Virgin’s ‘Epithet’ in the Prothesis of the Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos in the Piva Monastery in Montenegro in the Context of Some Balkan Monuments from the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century
M. Kuyumdzhieva. Revisiting a Hypothesis: Abraham’s Hospitality as Icon Above the Doors of the Late Medieval Iconostasis
В. Сапунджиева, Т. Енчев. Иконографските модели на св. Харалампий и св. Фотини от храма „Рождество Христово“ в Арбанаси — между авторството и традицията
V. Sapundzhieva, T. Enchev. The Iconographic Types of St Haralampos and St Photini from the Church of the Nativity in Arbanassi: Between Authorship and Tradition (summary)
C. Ciobanu. Quelques notes sur les images et les citations des sages de l’Antiquité et des sibylles de la peinture extérieure valaque (fin du XVIIIe et du début du XIXe siècle)
A. Kučeković. The Three-headed Holy Trinity Icons from Croatia — on the Margins of Post-Byzantine Popular Piety
J. Spahiu. The Fiery River, the Aerial Tollbooths and the Apocalyptic Motifs in the Last Judgement from the Church of St George in Banjani
И. Гергова. Последните стъпки на Христос
I. Gergova. The Last Footprints of Christ (summary)
M. Katić. Representations of the Tower of David in Jerusalimias
A. Keshman. Panagia Ierosolymitissa Icon: An Instance in the Mutuality of Traditions in the Holy Land of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Д. Бойкина. И там светеше нещо като звезда — един непубликуван кивот за мощи
D. Boykina. There is Staring Something Like a Star — an Unpublished Reliquary (summary)
Л. Миков, А. Стоилова. Литографски изображения на сакралните комплекси в Мека и Медина
L. Mikov, A. Stoilova. Lithographic Depictions of the Muslim Sanctuaries in Mecca and Medina (summary)
I. Vitaliotis. Late Byzantine and Early Post-Byzantine Painting in a Borderland: Considering Some Frescoes with Slavonic Inscriptions in the Peshkopi Region, Еastern Albania
М. Захариева. Църквата „Благовещение Богородично“ в с. Керека
M. Zaharieva. The Church of Annunciation in the Village of Kereka (summary)
V. Popovska. Searching for the Paintings by Theodosij of Veles from the Early Nineteenth Century
L. Ševo. Two Pieces of News about Pavao Cvjetković, a Little Known Painter
М. Стойкова. Някои нови данни от проучването на църквата „Св. Петка“ в Брезник
M. Stoykova. Some New Research Findings at the Church of St Petka, Breznik (summary)
А. Николов. Надписи върху олтарни маси от Странджа
A. Nikolov. Inscriptions on Altar Tables from Strandzha (summary)
B. Crostini. Leafing through Manuscripts Backwards: Doodles, Marginal Drawings, and the Organic Life of Otrantine Libraries
E. Moussakova. A Forgotten Manuscript from the Slavonic Collection in the Russian National Library
J. Stanojlović. Ornaments in Romil’s Tetraevangelion from the Late Fourteenth Century in the Collection of the Monastery of the Patriarchate of Peć
Р. Дечева. Реставрация на силно увредени текстове в ръкописи — етични и технологични проблеми
R. Decheva. Restoration of Badly Damaged Texts of Manuscripts: Ethical and Technological Challenges (summary)
Details | |
Publisher | Institute of Art Studies (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) |
Language | English, French, Bulgarian with summaries in Bulgarian and English |
Pages | 518 |
Illustrations | b/w and color figures |
Binding | paperback |
ISSN | 1313-2342 |
Creation date | 2019 |
Size | 16 х 24 cm |