Rival Power: Russia's Influence in Southeast Europe
Author: Dimitar Bechev. Language: Bulgarian


     Russia is back on stage. This sentence appears continuously on the pages of the newspapers, in the reports of the research institutes and in the speeches of politicians for the situation in Post-Communist Europe. The Ukraine Crisis and the annexation of the Crimea in March 2014 are the sparks of another confrontation between Russia and the West and the Balkans are the scene of the new "great geopolitical game".

    In the book the author goes beyond stereotypes and offers a sober analysis not only of the Russian influence in Southeast Europe but also of its serious limitations. At the same time it destroys the myth that the countries of the region and their leaders are simply "victims" of Moscow's treachery. Southeast Europe is a field for rivalry between an ambitious Kremlin, which has clearly defined goals but has no means to achieve them and a divided West which is tempted to respond to the challenge. Meanwhile, the countries of Southeastern Europe and specifically Bulgaria continue to seek their way into the turbulent waters of this rivalry  going West, but looking Eastward.
Table of contents
Списък на картите и таблиците



Въведения. Империята се завръща

Част I. Русия и страните от Югоизточна Европа

1. Преоткриването на Балканите: Русия и разпадането на Югославия

2. Игри в задния двор на Европа: Русия и Западните Балкани

3. Оттатък Черно море: България и Румъния

4. Приятели и още нещо: Гърция и Кипър

5. Руско-турският брак по сметка

Част II. Сфери на руско влияние

6. От военно противостоене към хибридна война

7. Разиграването на енергийната карта

8. Примамливата руска мощ

Епилог. Влиянието на Русия  какво е то всъщност?



Избрана библиография

Азбучен показалец

Русия се завръща на Балканите

Publisher East-West Publishing
Language Bulgarian
Pages 368
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-01-0325-7
Creation date 2018
Size 14 х 21 cm

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