Cross-border cooperation, security and development perspectives of the wider Black Sea Region: Proceedings of the international scientific conference 1617.11.2017, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria (New challenges to security and development of the Balkans, vol. 5)
Трансгранично сътрудничество, сигурност и перспективи за развитие в широкия Черноморски регион
Language: Bulgarian, English, Russian, Serbian with summaries in English


Table of contents

V. Buzov. The Wider Black Sea Zone in a Pluralist World

1. Security and Policies in the Wider Black Sea Region

S. Nešković. Geostrategic Position and Security Synergies of the Black Sea Region trough Cooperation with the European Union

I. Seleznev. The International Security in the Wider Black Sea Region and the Role of the SCO and the SCTO

L. Gusev. Struggle with Terrorist Organizations in the Countries of Black Sea and Caspian region

G. Massé. The US Interests in the Middle East and War against Terrorism

I. Uzunov. Think Tanks and the Formulation of American Foreign Policy during the 20th century

V. Buzov. A Complementarity Principle in International Security Relations: Some Applications in the Context of the Wider Black Sea Zone

Dr. Kolev, D. Kolev. Kineska inicijativa “Jedan pojas  jedan put” i novi geopolitički ekvilibrijum
Dr. Kolev, D. Kolev. Chinese Initiative „One Belt  One Way and a New Geopolitical Equilibrium

M. Fântânescu. Europe at a Crossroad: Rebuilding the European Project against Populism

O. Mihalache. State-building in Multiethnic States: Democratization as a Bargain Tool for Cessation of Conflict

Р. Темников. Азербайджанская республика между Россией, Ираном и Западом
R. Temnikov. Azerbaijan between Russia, Iran and the West

К. Казаков. Адаптиране към сложна и непредвидима среда за сигурност
K. Kazakov. Adapting to a Complex and Unpredictable Security

Б. Тодорова. Предизвикателства към сигурността в Черноморския регион
B. Todorova. Challenges to Security in the Black Sea Region

А. Узунов. Балканите в съвременните геополитически приоритети на САЩ и Русия
A. Uzunov. The Balkans in the Modern Geopolitical Priorities of the USA and Russia

З. Тодуа. Рост напряженности вокруг Приднестровского конфликта и его возможные последствия для Молдовы и всего региона
Z. Todua. The Increasing of Exacerbation of the Transnistrian Conflict and the Consequences for Moldova and the Region

Р. Темников. Основные угрозы безопасности Азербайджанской республики
R. Temnikov. Main Threats to Security of Azerbaijan Republic

В. Христов. Енергийното и технологично сътрудничество - път за постигане на стабилност в региона
V. Hristov. Energy and Technological Cooperation: A Way for Achieving Stability in the Region

2. Culture, Conflict and Identities in the Wider Black Sea Region

M. Waheed. The Body as a Site of Contestation in the Arab World

B. Arifi. Too Much Tolerance for Intolerance: Reflection on the Meaning and the Scope of the Concept of Tolerance

K. Banța. The Myth of Romanian Ehtnogenesis: Traian and Dochia

A. Iakimova. Conference “Dragomanivski Studies” as the Presentation’s Form of the Cultural of Ukrainians in Bulgaria

T. Kaleynska, M. Kaleynska. Attitudes of Bulgarian Youth for Participation in the Decision Making Process

A. Popesku. Bilateral Parliamentary Diplomacy: A Key to Preventing Conflicts in the Balkans

E. Gabor. Modernization and Underdevelopment in the Balkans from a Socialist Perspective: Christian Rakovsky

Ж. Стоянов. „Балканският човек“ и сигурността на Балканите
Z. Stoyanov. “The Balkan Man” and Balkan’s Security

Г. Петкова, М. Митевска, Б. Атанасова. Междукултурни различия в лидерските стилове (България и Гърция)
G. Petkova, M. Mitevska, B. Atanasova. Intercultural Differences in the Leadership Styles (Bulgaria and Greece)

Т. Стойчев. Алтернативата Евразия като осъвременена идея
T. Stoychev. The Eurasia Alternative as an Updated Idea

Ц. Маркова, Н. Маркова. Геополитически аспекти на трафика на хора като заплаха за националната сигурност
T. Markova, N. Markova. Geopolitical Aspects of the Human Trafficking as a Threat to National Security

Е. Буюклиев. Миграцията от Южна Азия към Европа през XXI век и негативните последици за не/сигурността на Европейския съюз
E. Boyukliev. Migration from South Asia to Europe in 21st Century and the Negative Consequences for the Un/Certainty in the European Union

M. Pâsâtoiu. A Comparative Analysis of the Strategic Coherence of Cross Border Cooperation Program RoBg from 2007 to Present

The Authors in the Volume

Publication Ethics and Editorial Mission


Publisher Ivis
Language Bulgarian, English, Russian, Serbian with summaries in English
Pages 334
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-205-080-1
Creation date 2018
Size 14 х 21 cm

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