The Lords of the Salt: Provadia-Solnitsata 5600—4350 BC (Catalogues of the National Archaeological Museum, vol. 37)
Original title: Повелителите на солта (Каталози, том XXXVII)
Language: Bulgarian. Category: Chalcolithic


   Catalogue of an exhibition on the occasion of 20 years of archaeological research of the oldest prehistoric salt mining and urban centre. The temporary exhibition presents over 530 finds discovered during the excavations of the salt-production and urban centre. The exhibits date from Late Prehistory, Late Hellenistic period and Antiquity.
Table of contents

Солта създава цивилизация (Провадия-Солницата 5600—4350 г. пр. Хр.)
Salt creates civilization (Provadia-Solnitsata 5600—4350 BC)

Провадия-Солницата: от неизвестен до широкоразпознаваем праисторически паметник
Provadia-Solnitsa: from unknown to widely recognized prehistoric site

Каталог на движимите културни ценности в изложбата
Catalogue of the finds included in the exhibition

Късен неолит
Late Neolithic

Производство на сол през неолита и халколита
Salt production during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic


Среден халколит
Middle Chalcolithic

Отбранителни каменни стени
Defensive stone walls

Късен халколит
Late Chalcolithic

Некрополи и отделни гробове
Necropolises and individual graves

Поменална обредност в къснохалколитния некропол
Funerary rites in the Late Chalcolithic necropolis

Късна желязна епоха, Римска епоха и Късна античност
Late Iron Age, Roman Age and Late Antiquity

Publisher National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences)
Language Bulgarian
Pages 200
Illustrations color figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-254-037-1
ISSN 2367-8860
Creation date 2024
Size 25 х 21 cm

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