The European Union and China: Principles, perspectives, challenges
Европейският съюз и Китай. Принципи, перспективи, предизвикателства
Category: Politology; Sinology
Language: Bulgarian
Relations between the European Union and China are an important component of the modern international system and one of the driving forces of its dynamics. Based on an undeniable mutual interest, the development and further expansion of these relations is both a strategic opportunity and a serious challenge for Brussels and Beijing.
In addition to having a certain weight and influence within the system, both the European Union and China are at a key juncture in their development. The EU faces the challenge of overcoming and emerging stronger from the state of crisis in which it has fallen, and of China proving to the world that its rise does not pose a threat to security and stability in the global system.
The present edition contains normative and information documents and materials related to various aspects and dimensions of the European Union's relations with the People's Republic of China. Its main purpose is to provide the factual basis necessary for understanding and analyzing these relationships. Although primarily of an informational and reference nature, the publication is important for understanding the processes in the international system, as the rise of China as a global power is one of the most significant phenomena in recent decades, affecting both international relations and ambitions of the EU to play the role of a world power.
Table of contents
Основни съкращения
Първа глава. Външна политика на Китайската Народна Република: историческото наследство, традиция, ресурси
1. Външна политика и традиция
2. Китаецентричната концепция
3. Ресурси
Втора глава. Външна политика на КНР. Принципи, приоритети, предизвикателства. Външнополитически механизъм
1. Външнополитически принципи
2. Външнополитически интереси и приоритети
3. Предизвикателства в сферата на външната политика
4. Външнополитически механизъм
Трета глава. История на отношенията Европейски съюз — Китай
Исторически контекст
Установяване на отношения
Събитията на площад „Тянанмън“ и краят на Студената война
Стратегическо партньорство
Кризата от 2008 г.
Трите стълба в отношенията ЕС — Китай
Details | |
Publisher | University of National and World Economy Publishing |
Language | Bulgarian |
Pages | 176 |
Illustrations | b/w figures |
Binding | paperback |
ISBN | 978-619-232-129-1 |
Creation date | 2018 |
Size | 14 х 21 cm |