Religions in Korea: Tradition, Modernization and Globalization. Collected papers
Религиите в Корея — традиция, модернизация и глобализация
Category: Korean studies
Language: Bulgarian
   Korea is located at the crossroads between China, Japan and Siberia. Throughout its historical development, Korea has experienced considerable influence from neighboring peoples and cultures, managing to maintain its own identity. This fully applies to the religions practiced on the territory of the Korean Peninsula. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, which penetrated from outside, did not erase local beliefs and cults, did not replace autochthonous shamanism, but filled those essential conceptual voids that existed in the ideological (religious) space of Korea.
   Ancient Koreans traditionally practiced such archaic religious beliefs as totemism, animism, fetishism, demonism, shamanism. A significant place in their everyday life is occupied by the cult of ancestors. To one degree or another, these beliefs remained relevant until the end of the 19th century, and some of their elements, for example, the cult of ancestors, continue to have an important meaning even today.
Table of contetn

Азиатският кръстопът

Корейски народни вярвания и поверия

Корейският Мусок — божества, шамани и ритуали

Будизмът в Корея

Конфуцианството в Корея

Християнството на Корейския полуостров

Нови религиозни движения на Корейския полуостров

Религиозната ситуация в КНДР



Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language English, Korean
Pages 248
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-07-5558-8
Creation date 2022
Size 16 х 24 cm

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