Est Modus in Rebus. Essays presented to professor Mihai Bărbulescu at his 75th anniversary
Sorin Nemeti, Irina Nemeti, Florin-Gheorghe Fodorean, Sorin Cociş (eds.)
Language: English, Italian, French, German, Romanian


Table of contents

A short laudatio for an inspiring magister   

Tabula gratulatoria

Mihai Bărbulescu. List of publications 


Lietta De Salvo. La Sicilia e il mare. Attività economiche e commerciali nella Sicilia romana   

Annamária‑Izabella Pázsint. Notes on the Networks of Veterans in Moesia Inferior  

Rada Varga. Prosopography of the non‑elite in Roman Dacia. Historiographic approach   

Sorin Nemeti. Caput Bubali. On Gromatic Toponymy in Dacia  

Lucietta Di Paola. Per la storia della viabilità e del cursus publicus in Sicilia al tempo dei Costantinidi. Una svolta?  

Péter Kovács. The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon as source for the history of the Huns  

Iulian Mihai Damian. Umanisti curiali e romanità dei valacchi. Sulle dinamiche iniziali di un riconoscimento   

Anna Maria Liberati. I calchi della Colonna Traiana al Museo della Civiltà Romana. Alcuni documenti inediti   

Enrico Silverio. Urbs atque Italia: un binomio ermeneutico tra cohortes urbanae e continuità nella tradizione imperiale   


Ádám Szabó. A note on Cicero De domo sua 46.121.19–21   

Radu Ardevan. La Fortuna de Cigmău – quelques observations   

Dorel Bondoc, Gabriela Filip. Regarding some representations with exuvia leonis from Roman Dacia   

Andrei Buta, Radu Ota. Images of Silenus at Apulum  

Juan Ramón Carbó García. Where the lightning strikes, when the gods intervene. Divine agency and space sacralisation in Roman Dacia

Vassiliki Gaggadis‑Robin. Images du banquet à sigma sur les sarcophages d’époque impériale   

Monica Gui, Horațiu Cociș. Zeitgeist. Imperial portraiture on a breastplate from Porolissum   

Irina Nemeti. The Rider’s Iconography on Gems from Roman Dacia   

Jean‑Charles Balty. Parerga Cumontiana 2. Tombeau, sarcophage et épigramme d’Ostie (Porta Romana A 9b) 


Dan Deac, Dan Dana. Une nouvelle tessera militaris découverte à Porolissum   

Coriolan Horațiu Opreanu. An Inscription of cohors III Campestris at Potaissa   

Constantin C. Petolescu. L. Pontius Seneca, centurio legionis V Macedonicae  

Manfred Hainzmann. Vier Prätorianerdiplome aus dem Jahr 208 n. Chr. − Eine Vergleichsanalyse

Cosmin Onofrei. Qui et/que et in Latin Inscriptions from Roman Dacia   

Mihai Chiriac, Dan Tudor Ionescu, Viorel Ștefu. Considérations historiques et épigraphique concernant un verre datant dépuis l̕ époque romaine découvert dans l̕ habitat de Mediaș – Gura Câmpului – Hășmaș   


Fábián István. The Stone age pieces of the Teleki collection from Gornești   

Luca‑Paul Pupeză. Roman games in Dacian sites. Tokens found at Covasna – Cetatea Zânelor   

Florin‑Gheorghe Fodorean, Paul Chiorean, Horațiu Groza, Dan Matei. New Data about the Aqueduct of Potaissa (Turda, Cluj County)   

Luciana Nedelea. Textile Impressions on Roman Pottery Discovered at the Legionary Fortress from Potaissa   

Liviu Petculescu. A niello decorated strap terminal from Moesia Inferior   

Mirjana Sanader, Domagoj Tončinić, Iva Kaić, Vinka Matijević. Principia of the Roman military fortress Tilurium. New thoughts on an old problem   

Ioan Stanciu. The Lazuri–Lubi tag settlement (north‑western Romania). Examples of non‑residential structures in the Barbaricum located in the vicinity of Dacia Porolissensis 

Barbocz Beáta. An unique migration period vessel from Bandu de Câmpie   

Ion Tentiuc, Octavian Munteanu. The Connections of Eastern Carpathian Space with the Viking World: a new Sword Scabbard Chape from the Early Mediaeval Ages Discovered in Moldova   

Ergün Lafli, Rojin Demi̇. Byzantine Coins of the Museum of Mardin in South‑Eastern Turkey   

Florin‑Gheorghe Fodorean. Mapping Potaissa. Aspects regarding some of Téglás István’s notes   

Matyas Jozsef. Archaeological Traces at Potaissa in Torma Károly’s Travel Notes   



Publisher Editura Mega
Language English, Italian, French, German, Romanian
Pages 542
Illustrations b/w and color figures, maps
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-606-020-563-0
Creation date 2022
Size 21 x 29 cm

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