Helis. Volume 3, Part 1: Culture and Religion in Northeastern Thrace


Table of contents

D. Gergova. Preface

S. Cholakov, Y. Yordanov. Paleoanthropological data about Chalcolithic population from the area of the town ot Omourtag

L. Nikolov. On the Pit-grave culture in Northeastern Bulgaria

Al. Gotzev. Contacts and interactions across the Eastern Balkan Range during the Early Iron Age

M. Domaradzki. Les lieux de culte thraeces (deuxiè moitié du IIe  Ier mil. Av. J.-C.)

N. Theodossiev. Thracian tumulus near the town of Kavarna

G. Ginev. Stratigraphic observations on the embankments of Thracian tumuli near the village of Kralevo, Turgovishte district

I. Vasilčin. Ensevelissements em amphores dans la necropole thrace pres du village de Černa, region de Dobrič

V. Sîrbu. Croyances et pratiquites funéraires chez les Geto-Daces (IIe s. av. J.-C.  Ier s. ap. J.-C.)

I. von Bredow. “Die Gefilde der Seligen”

M. Tonkova. Vestiges d’ateliers d’orfevrerie thraces des Ve  IIIe s. av. J.-C. (sur le territoire de la Bulgaria)

D. Agre. The cross-like appliqué from Veliko Turnovo district

Iv. Christov. Kultische Denkmäler in der Gegend der Stadt Trojan

Zl. Gocheva. The Darzalas cult in Northeastern Bulgaria

K. Karadimitrova. Die Teilmahme der Frau am religiösen Leben in der Provinz Thrakien (den epigraphischen Belegen zufolge)

V. Popova-Moroz. Cult aspects of the Roman portraiture in Bulgaria

N. Nedelčev. Die Kategorie Gerechtigkeit im Altertum nach dem Model Nordostthrakiens

P. Petrova. Traces of water cult in the Madara archaeological reservation

Д. Бейли. Археология на култа: метод и теория
D. Bailey. The archaeology of cult: Method and theory (summary)


Хелис. Том III, част I

Publisher National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences)
Language English – French – German – Bulgarian with summaries in Bulgarian and English
Pages 328
Illustrations b/w figures, maps
Binding paperback
ISBN 954-546-003-2
Creation date 1994
Size 14 х 21 cm

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