On the Political History of the Odrysian Kingdom from the end of the 6th century B.C. to the Middle of the 4th century B.C. Part II: Contributions to the Study of the Early Odryssian Kingdom and the Policy of the Odryssian Rulers Directed to its Transformation into a Kingdom Uniting all Adjacent Thracian Tribes. Author: Stavri Topalov. Language: Bulgarian with catalogue in English.
Table of contents
Early Thracian Tribal Unions. Odryssian Tribal Union. Transition from Odryssian Tribal Union to Early Odryssian Kingdom at the End of 6th Century BC and the Beginning of 5th Century BC at the Time of Teres I
1. Early Thracian Tribal Unions. Odryssian Tribal Union of the Second Half of 6th Century BC
2. New Numismatic Materials and New Arguments in Support to the Conclusions Drawn in the “Contribution to the Study of the Coins of the Type “Silenus and Nymph”, the Most Important Anepigraphic Coinage in the Lands of Ancient Thrace in the Period from the End of 6th Century BC to the Middle of 4th Century BC”
3. Review of the Studies Defining the Earliest Tribal Territories of the Odryssians and the Bessae
4. Contribution to the Study of Whether the So-Called Thracian “Royal” Cult of Hermes Existed on the Basis of the Authentic Political Information about Thrace Represented in the Images and Legends of the Early Thracian Tribal and Early Odryssian Regal Coins
5. Main Periods in the History of the Early Odryssian Kingdom from the End of 6th Century BC to the Middle of 4th Century BC
6. Review of the Studies Carried Out and Related to the Explanation of the Kinship of the Early Odryssian Kings, the Years of Their Political Activity and the Succession of Assuming the Power by the Representatives of the Odryssian Dynasty after Teres I
7. Transition from Odryssian Tribal Union to Early Odryssian Kingdom at the End of 6th Century BC in the Time of Teres I. The Odryssian Ruler Teres I (from about 528/521 BC to about 471/464 BC)
The Odryssian Kingdom of the Times of the First Direct Successors of Teres I Sparadokos and Sitalces (Probably Including the First Years of Seuthes I Governing), a Period Characterized by the Growth of the Early Odryssian Kingdom as a First Political Power in the Region Following a Policy Aiming to Transform the Odryssian Kingdom into a Thracian Kingdom Uniting All Thracian Tribes
8. The Odryssian Ruler Sparadokos (~471/464~444 BC)
9. The Odryssian Ruler Sitalces (~444~424 BC) Mentioned in the Sources as a Thracian King
The Odryssian Kingdom in the Last Years of Government of Seuthes I and of the Times of Metokos, Nebryzelmis, Amatokos and Kotys I of the End of 5th Century BC to 359 BC, A Period of Forming the Odryssian Kingdom as a Leading Political Union in Thrace and on the Balkans
10. The Odryssian Ruler Seuthes I (~424~407/405 BC)
11. The Odryssian Ruler Metokos (~407~389 BC)
12. The Odryssian Ruler Hebryzelmis (~405/389~383 BC)
13. The Odryssian Ruler Amatokos (First Information of ~405/389~380 BC, Possible Interruption between 380 BC and 359 BC and Last Information of 359~356/351 BC)
14. The Odryssian Ruler Kotys I (~383—359 BC)
The Odryssian Kingdom in the Last Years of Government of Amatokos and in the Times of Kersebleptes, Teres II, Bergeus, A Probable Predecessor of Ketriporis and Their Possible Other Relatives Not Mentioned in the Sources in the Period of 359 BC to the Last Quarter of 4th Century BC, When the Odryssians Lost the Control Over the Thracian Tribes in the Region of the Thracian Coast and the Possessions of the Odryssian Kingdom Are Reduced Mainly to the Territory of the Early Odryssian Tribal Union
15. The Odryssian Ruler Kersebleptes (359~341/340 BC)
16. The Odryssian Ruler Teres II (~351~342/341 BC)
17. Brief Information about Regal Coinage in the Southwestern Regions of the Odryssian Kingdom from the End of the 5th Century BC to the Middle of 4th Century BC
18. Bergeus, Ruler of the Southwestern Part of the Odryssian Kingdom (?) (From the End of 5th Century BC and the Beginning of 4th Century BC)
19. Ketriporis — A Ruler from the Southwestern Part of the Odryssian Kingdom (~356~352/351 BC)
20. Brief Information about the Probable Odryssian Royal Coinage with Legends ΦΙ, ΦΙΛ, ΦΙΛΗ and ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟ
21. Comments to Incorrect Presentation of Some Results from Our Researches, Connected with the Coin Cutting and the History of Ancient Thrace 6th—4th Century BC, and to Attempts for Unjustified Rejections of New Views in Them
22. Catalog of the Early Thracian Tribal Coins 6th—5th Centuries BC, to the Early Anepigraphic Types of Coins Minted on the Territory of the Early Odryssian Kingdom and of the Early Odryssian Regal Coins of 5th—4th Centuries BC
Brief Biographical Data about the Author
Към политическата история на Одриското царство от края на VI до средата на IV в. пр. н. е. Ч.II
Details | |
Publisher | Mind Print |
Language | Bulgarian with catalog in English |
Pages | 688 |
Illustrations | b/w figures |
Binding | paperback |
ISBN | 978-954-92873-7-0 |
Creation date | 2014 |
Size | 14 х 22 cm |