Contribution to the study of the object-like mediums of exchange used or probably used in Ancient Thrace during the Ist Millenium B.C. Cast arrow-head coins of Apollonia Pontica (7th—5th c. B.C.). Author: Stavri Topalov. Language: Bulgarian
Table of contents
General review of mainly bronze objects made in mass and used or probably used as mediums of exchange in Ancient Thrace defined in the study as object-like mediums of exchange in Ancient Thrace from the First Millennium B.C.
— the beginning of use of objects as mediums of exchange
— bipennis
— segment-like objects
— celts
— flat axes
— sickles
— spear and arrow tips
— ingots of the shape of ox skin, disks, etc.
— non-decorated wheels
— wheels decorated with ribs
— wheels decorated with multiple small balls in groups
— wheels decorated in three or four big hemi-spheres
— wheels decorated with many big hemi-spheres, cones or cylinders
— bell-like objects
— objects of the shape of hollow truncated cones
— objects of the shape of wheels having a triangular cross-section
— objects of the shape of flat kidney
— objects of a flat bow-like shape with two holes or grooves specifically made
— trapezium-shaped objects
— objects resembling objects used in labor, decoration, weapons or for rituals
— arrow-head coins
— dolphin coins
— coins in the shape of wheels with spokes
— conclusions drawn in the study of the objects used or probably used as mediums of exchange
Cast arrow-head coins of Apollonia Pontica (7th—5th century B.C.)
Two-sided arrow-head coins (end of 7th — end of 5th century B.C.)
— First early issues of two-sided arrow-head coins of denomination 4 (?) (end of 7th century B.C.)
— Early issues of two-sided arrow-head coins cast in the 6th century B.C.
— Last (?) early issues of two-sided arrow-head coins of denomination 4 (?) most probably cast in the second half of the 6th century B.C.
— Early issues of two-sided arrow-head coins having an additional symbol of “a wheel with four spokes” of denomination 4 (?) most probably cast in the second half of the 6th century B.C.
One-sided arrow-head coins (end of 6th — end of 5th century B.C.)
— First issues of one sided arrow-head coins with additional images of an upright anchor or an upright anchor and the letter A of just the letter A of denominations 1 and 2. First alternative with images and letters on the obverse. Second alternative with letters on the obverse (end of 6th — beginning of 5th century B.C.)
— Early one-sided arrow-head coins having borrowed the shaping of the two-sided arrow-head coins (beginning of 5th century B.C.)
— Main issues of one-sided arrow-head coins (5th century B.C.)
Flat triangular arrow-head coins made mainly by cutting bronze plates (ca. 6th — 5th century B.C.)
Probable object-like mediums of exchange from the Western Pontic coast made in the shape of a flat fish
Принос към проучване използваните и вероятно използваните предметоподобни форми на средства за размяна от земите на древна Тракия
през I хил. пр. н.е. Лятите монети-стрели на Аполония Понтика (VII–V в. пр. н. е.)
Details | |
Publisher | Mind Print |
Language | Bulgarian |
Pages | 312 |
Illustrations | b/w figures |
Binding | paperback |
ISBN | 978-954-92873-2-5 |
Creation date | 2013 |
Size | 14 х 22 cm |