Time, matter and spirit: The conservation in the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Време, материя и дух. Реставрацията в Националния археологически институт с музей при Българската академия на науките
National Archaeological Museum Catalogues. Supplements Series, vol. 2
Language: English
Bulgarian (bilingual)
Interdisciplinary Studies


   The edition presents a catalogue to the exhibition Time, Matter and Spirit. The Conservation in the National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of SciencesThe exhibition focuses on the contribution of conservators and other museum specialists who devoted their professional life to the preservation and conservation of cultural and historical heritage already from the time of the “Museum of the people” to the present National Archaeological Museum. It is related to the desire of the team to pay attention to some significant professional activities, without which modern museology would have been impossible. The efforts of the conservators and museum specialists responsible for the content and condition of the depositories and the numerous cultural artefacts stored in them often remain unnoticed by the general public. The exhibition pays tribute to the work of individuals who had a leading role in the process of preservation of the Bulgarian cultural heritage since the museum's establishment.
Table of contents

Началото / The Beginning

Създаване и развитие на Ателието за реставрация  от Народен музей към Археологически институт с музей / Establishment and development of the Restoration atelier: From National Museum to Archaeological Institute with Museum

Марин Георгиев Устагенов / Margin Georgiev Ustagenov

Асен Илиев Белковски / Asen Iliev Belkovski

Карл Йорданов. Реставрационната му дейност в Народния музей / Karl Yordanov. His conservation and restoration activity at the National Museum

Вера Недкова / Vera Nedkova

Васил Василев / Vasil Vasilev

Настоящето / The Present

Иследователска дейност на лабораторията на НАИМ при БАН / Scientific analyses of the Laboratory at NAIM-BAS

Първата реставрирана мозайка от Стара Загора / The first conserved mosaic from Stara Zagora

Ре-реставрация на акинака от могила Яланджа тепе край с. Полско Косово, Русенско / Re-conservation of an akinakes from the Yalandzi tepe tumulus, near the village of Polsko Kosovo, Rise District

Консервационни практики за повърхностно третиране на полихромна живопис / Conservation practices for perfunctory treating of polychrome paintings on stone plastic arts in LACR of NAIM-BAS

Метални парчета от историята: два илирийски шлема от Требенище / Metal fragments from the history: Two Illyrian helmets from Trebenishte in the National Archaeological Museum collection

Каталог / Catalogue

Преди и след реставрацията / Before and after the conservation

Цитирана литература / Bibliography

Publisher National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences)
Language Bulgarian, English
Pages 256
Illustrations color figures
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-619-254-001-2
Creation date 2022
Size 21 х 29 cm

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