The book includes a complete study on the Ancient Egyptian didactic literature. All representatives of the genre and its characteristics are considered. Special attention is paid to the main concepts used in didactic literature. The different states of mind which a man should achieve in life in order to reach immortality in the netherworld are gathered and discussed. The proper behavior in society according to the teachings is discussed. The book presents also а full translation of three didactic texts  The maxims of Ptahhotep, The teaching of Ani and The teaching of Amenemope. (


Table of contents




Поученията като жанр на древноегипетската литература

Поучение на Птаххотеп

Поучение на Ани

Поучение на Аменемопе

Каталог на представителите на жанра


Списък на съкращенията

Подбрана литература

Пътят на живота. Учението на древноегипетските мъдреци

Publisher East West Publishing
Language Bulgarian
Pages 240
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-321-835-6
Creation date 2011
Size 16 х 24 cm

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