Creating heterogeneous digital libraries based on ontologies
Създаване на хетерогенни цифрови библиотеки, основано на онтологии
Language: Bulgarian; Category: Library science


   The development of information and communication technologies as a result of the emergence of the World Wide Web has led to significant changes in the functioning of many institutions in society. In particular the role of libraries is gradually changing and along with the classic repositories of printed publications and manuscripts the relative share of the so-called digital libraries increasing libraries whose collections are stored in digital formats and are accessible by computer. Digital libraries provide their users with relatively inexpensive, fast and easy access to the content stored in them. Along with the successes achieved in the field of digital libraries, there are still a number of open issues and serious challenges such as achieving high accuracy of search results; ensuring interoperability at the semantic level; achieving a high level of information confidentiality and information security, etc.


Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian
Pages 112
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperdback
ISBN 978-954-07-4884-9
Creation date 2020
Size 14 х 21 cm

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