Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science, Vol. VI, 1, 2009


Table of contents


S. Rangos. Falsity and the False in Aristotle’s Metaphysics D

F. Acerbi. Transitivity Cannot Explain Perfect Syllogisms

M. von Perger. Zeit in Plotins Mystik: Zeit für das Eine, Zeit für uns


Panagiotis Thanassas. Parmenides, Cosmos, and Being: A Philosophical Interpretation. Marquette University Press. Milwaukee, 2007 (P. Šegedin)

Christopher Rowe. Plato and the Art of Philosophical Writing. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 2007 (C. Balla)

Douglas Cairns. Fritz-Gregor Hermann and Terry Penner (eds.). Pursuing The Good: Ethics and Metaphysics in Plato’s Republic. Edinburgh University Press. Edinburgh, 2007 (J. Jirsa)

Paraskeui Kotzia. Περί του μήλου ή περί της Αριστοτέλους τελευτής (Liber de pomo sive de morte Aristotelis). Thyrathen publications. Thessaloniki, 2007 (G. Karamanolis)

Brad Inwood (ed.). Seneca: Selected Philosophical Letters. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 2007 (J. Ker)

Niketas Siniossoglou. Plato and Theodoret. The Christian Appropriation of Platonic Philosophy and the Hellenic Intellectual Resistance. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, 2008 (P. Van Nuffelen)

Carlos Lévy. Les Scepticismes. Presses Universitaires Français. Paris, 2008. Markus Gabriel. Antike und moderne Skepsis zur Einführung. Junius Verlag. Hamburg, 2008 (M. Veres)

Notes for Contributors

Publisher East–West Publishing
Language English, German
Pages 120
Binding paperback
ISSN 1312-3963
Creation date 2009
Size 16 x 24 cm

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