Dictionary of an Archaic Rhodope Dialect  Ropka Dialect
Речник на един архаичен родопски говор — говора на ропката
Category: dialectology

Language: Bulgarian


   The Ropkata area is a culturally and linguistically important Rhodope region. It is located in the northeastern part of the Western Rhodope Mountains. The population speaks one of the most archaic Rhodope dialects, which is part of the Bulgarian language space. With its main linguistic features, it makes the connection between the Thracian and central Rhodope dialects, some of which, for political reasons, are now outside the state borders (in Greece and Turkey). This dictionary completes the linguistic understanding of the Ropka dialect and makes it the first comprehensively researched Rhodope dialect at all linguistic levels: phonological, morphological and lexical.


Table of contents

1. Ропката  едно старинно българско землище

I. Географски и историко-демографски сведения за областта

II. Езикови, фолклорни и етнографски материали за Ропката

III. Граници и обща характеристика на говора на Ропката и мястото му сред останалите родопски говори

IV. Вътрешнодиалектни различия

2. Синоними и хетероними в говора на Ропката

3. Речник


Publisher Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House
Language Bulgarian
Pages 288
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-245-250-6
Creation date 2022
Size 16 х 24 cm

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