The pottery of the Krivodol-Sălcuţa culture
Language: Bulgarian with a summary in English
Керамиката на култура Криводол-Сълкуца
Category: Chalcolithic


     The book is devoted to the ceramics from the late Eneolithic culture Krivodol-Sălcuţa. The data on 393 vessels from the richest museum collections from different settlements of the culture is gathered and analyzed. Presented along with them are 253 vessels from two settlements from the previous stage  the early Eneolithic period, which are used as a basis for tracking the changes in the ceramic production within the Eneolithic period. Based on the results from the analysis, the chronological position of the various settlements is determined.
    An especially interesting result, which gives information on the changes in the organization of the ceramic manufacturing is the determined tendency towards standardization of the vessels during the late Eneolithic period. Unlike the early period, where there is a large variety of shapes, sizes and proportions, during the Late Eneolithic period, the variety decreases. The shapes become more and more simple and unified and in terms of size, three groups of pottery are clearly discerned 
 large, medium and small. These changes reflect the general changes in the structure of the Eneolithic societies during the Late Eneolithic period occurring under the influence of the development of metallurgy and the trade with metal  an early stage in the transformation of ceramics into a trade good.


Table of contents


Illustration notes

On the Pottery its Significance to Archaeological Research

Factors, determining quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the pottery finds at archaeological sites

Pottery as a source of information about the ancient societies

The Krivodol-Sălcuţa Culture  General Characterization

General Data about the Sites

Classification and Comparative Analysis

Approach in the classification and methods of analysis

Group I. Single composite vessels


               Comparative analysis of the single composite vessels from the Early and Late Eneolithic period

               Conclusion of the analysis

Group II. Double composite vessels


               Comparative analysis of the double composite vessels from the Early and Late Eneolithic period

               Conclusions of the analysis

Group III. Triple composite vessels


               Comparative analysis of the triple composite vessels from the Early and Late Eneolithic period

               Conclusions of the analysis

Group IV. Ascuses

Group V. Lids

Group VI. Stands


Relative chronology

On the changes in the organization of potter production in the Eneolithic period



Summary in English



Бележки за илюстрациите

За керамиката и нейното значение в археологическите изследвания

Фактори, определящи количествените и качествените характеристики на находките на битова керамика на археологически обекти

Керамиката като източник на информация за древните общества

Култура КриводолСалкуца  обща характеристика

Общи данни за обектите

Класификация и сравнителен анализ

Подход при класификацията и методи за анализ

Група I. Едносъставни съдове


Сравнителен анализ на едносъставните съдове от ранния и късния енеолит

Заключения от анализа

Група II. Двусъставни съдове


Сравнителен анализ на двусъставните съдове от ранния и късния енеолит

Заключения от анализа

Група III. Трисъставни съдове


Сравнителен анализ на трисъставните съдове от ранния и късния енеолит

Заключения от анализа

Група IV. Аскоси

Група V. Капаци

Група VI. Поставки


Релативна хронология

За промените в организацията на керамичното производство през енеолита



Резюме на английски език


Петя Георгиева, Керамиката на култура Криводол-Сълкуца


Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 248
Illustrations b/w and color figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-07-3295-4
Creation date 2012
Size 21 x 29 cm

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