Varhari and Orlitsa: two Chalcolithic settlements in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains
Archaeological Rescue Excavations for Infrastructure Projects Series, vol. 2
Върхари и Орлица: две халколитни селища от Източните Родопи
Language: Bulgarian with summaries in English

Category: Chalcolithic


   The book presented includes the thorough publications of two sites: the settlements at Varhari and Orlitsa. They are connected in many aspects. First, the sites present two consecutive chronological stages of the Copper age (Chalcolithic): the transition from Early to Late Chalcolithic and developed Late Chalcolithic. Second, both of them are located in the catchment area of the Varbitsa River, on the most suitable route connecting the Eastern Rhodope Mountains with the Aegean coast. In terms of location they differ from most of the Final Chalcolithic mountain sites in Bulgaria, which are situated on naturally defended heights or in caves.

   The respective parts of the book present and analyze all aspects of these two settlements: location, settlement structure, architecture, pottery, small finds (chipped and ground stone tools, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines, etc.), botanical remains, economic activities, relative and absolute chronology.  


Table of contents

Върхари и Орлица: две халколитни селища от Източните Родопи
Varhari and Orlitsa: two Chalcolithic settlements in the Eastern Rhodope Mountains

Халколитно селище Върхари
Varhari Chalcolithic settlement

I. Местоположение и история на проучванията
I. Location and history of research

ІI. Археологически структури
II. Archaeological features

ІII. Минерални и скални суровини от района на халколитно селище върхари
III. Minerals and rocks found in the area of the Varhari Chalcolitic site

ІV. Кремъчен ансамбъл
IV. Chipped-stone tools

V. Каменни сечива
V. Polished stone tools

VI. Украшения от камък
VI. Stone ornaments

VII. Хромелни камъни
VII. Grinding stones

VIII. Антропоморфни изображения
VIII. Anthropomorphic figurines

ІX. Зооморфни изображения
IX. Zoomorphic figurines

Х. Керамични предмети
X. Ceramic artefacts

ХI. Керамични съдове
XI. Pottery

ХII. Абсолютна и относителна хронология
XII. Absolute and relative chronology

ХIII. Археоботаничен анализ на растителните останки
XIII. Archaeobotanical analysis of the plant remains

ХIV. Стопански дейности на населението
XIV. Production activities of the community

ХV. Обобщение
XV. Conclusion


Къснохалколитно селище Орлица
The Late Chalcolithic settlement of Orlitsa

I. Местоположение и история на проучването
I. Location and history of research

ІI. Селищно устройство
II. Settlement structure

ІII. Жилищна архитектура
III. Architecture

ІV. Кремъчен ансамбъл
IV. Chipped-stone assemblage

V. Огладени каменни сечива
V. Polished stone tools

VI. Хромелни камъни и каменни плочи
VI. Grinding stones and stone slabs

VII. Предмети от глина
VII. Ceramic artefacts

VIII. Керамични съдове
VIII. Pottery

ІX. Хронологическо място на обекта
IX. Absolute and relative chronology

Х. Археоботанично изследване
X. Archaeobotanical analysis

ХI. Стопанска дейност
XI. Production activities of the community

ХII. Обобщение
XII. Conclusion



Publisher National Institute of Archaeology and Museum (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Language Bulgarian with summaries in English
Pages 612
Illustrations b/w and color drawings
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-254-008-1
ISSN 2535-129X
Creation date 2022
Size 21 x 29 cm

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