RPRP, vol. 1, Part 2: Early Bronze settlement patterns in the Balkans (ca. 3500  2000 BC, calibrated dates)


Table of contents

Preface and acknowledgements

Part 2

J. Yakar. The Early Bronze Age settlement pattern in Northern Anatolia 

M. Seferiades. Deshayes' excavations in Dikili Tash: The Early Bronze Age levels

D. Malamidou, R. Treuil. L'habitat du Bronze Ancien à Dikili Tash (Macèdonie orientale) 

E. Elster. Settlement pattern, material culture and activity at Early Bronze Age Sitagroi, Northeast Greece

L. Nikolova. Settlement and ceramics: The experience of Early Bronze Age Bulgaria

V. Mazanova. Die Struktur der Siedlugen im Siedlungshügel Junazite während der Frühbronzezeit

D. Bailey. The interpretation of settlement: An exercise from Bronze Age Thrace 

P. Kalchev. Funeral rites from the Early Bronze Age flat necropolis near the Bereket tell, Stara Zagora

M. Kančev, T. Kančeva-Russeva. Archtektur der prähistorischen Siedlung Ovčaritza II

K. Leshtakov. Trade centers from Early Bronze Age III and Middle Bronze Age in Upper Thrace

D. Bailey. The analysis of tells in Northeastern Bulgaria: Settlement behaviour in the context of time, space and place

V. Gergov. A dwelling of Telish IV

A. Bonev. Die späte Bronzezeit in den bulgarischen Gebieten


Publisher Prehistory Foundation / Agato
Language English, German, French
Pages 340
Illustrations b/w figures, maps
Binding paperback
ISSN 1310-8174
Creation date 1996
Size 21 x 29 cm

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