Codification of the norms of the Bulgarian standard language from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century (1879—1921) (Research on material from spelling dictionaries and spelling guides published until the 1920s)
Кодификация на нормите на българския книжовен език от края на XIX и началото на XX век (1879—1921)
Language: Bulgarian with a summary in English
Category: Historical linguistics
The book examines the specific processes that led to the formation of the normative system of the Bulgarian standard language after the Liberation, as well as the processes related to its standartisation and development in the 1920s. This is the least studied, but extremely important for the development of our standardised language period, when in general, the literary norm of our modern language was formed and officially codified. In addition to textbooks and the Guidelines for General Spelling (1899), the first official codification of our literary language standard, more than 40 spelling dictionaries and spelling guides were published in the 1920s, which, due to their genre specificity and the lack of any scientific grammar of the Bulgarian language, were the main means of describing and imposing the language standards. The analysis of the material from these hitherto unknown to our science documents allowed to make a reliable reconstruction of the literary norm in the period after the Liberation to the 1920s and to study the role of spelling dictionaries and speling guides in imposing the literary norm, and futhermore, their role in the language standard confirmation and stabilisation of the language written practice.
Table of contents
The spelling question in the cultural and historical context of the years after the Liberation and the first two decades of the twentieth century
Sociolinguistic analysis of the process of creating spelling dictionaries and spelling guides in connection with the normative structure of the standard Bulgarian language
Part one. Codification of phonetic norms
Part two. Codification of spelling norms and of grammatical norms with an outcome in spelling
Part three. Codification of punctuation norms