Frank Wollman. Bulgarian Dramaturgy
Language: Bulgarian


    "Bulgarian Dramaturgy" is the first history of our drama, which is only now becoming available in translation into Bulgarian. The text comprehensively covers the main periods of the development of stage discourse in our country, starting with school dialogues and ending with the 1920s. Not only the systematization of the works is valuable, but also the assessment, objectified by the scientific external view of the Czech professor Frank Wollman.
   Prof. Dr. Frank Wollman (18881969) was a Czech literary historian, Slavist, writer, poet and playwright, a member of the Prague Linguistic Circle. He studied ethnography and comparative literature in Prague and Berlin. Founder of the Theatrology major at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno. For about ten years he researched, wrote and published special works on the drama of the southern Slavs: "Serbo-Croatian Dramaturgy" (1924), followed by "Slovenian Dramaturgy" (1925), "Bulgarian Dramaturgy" (1928) and finally - by "Dramaturgy of the Slavic South" (1930), including in this alone 838 titles by 310 playwrights (there are fifty-three Bulgarians, represented by 134 works). Thus he made a complete cycle of studies tracing the development and specificity of the respective dramaturgies, dividing them not by nationality, but by language.
Publisher Colibri
Language Bulgarian
Pages 232
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-02-1531-8
Creation date 2024
Size 16 х 24 cm

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