Metamorphoses: Art Readings. Thematic Peеr-reviewed Annual in Art Studies, Year 2023, volume I: Old Art
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Category: Art ReadingsArt studies
Language: English, Bulgarian


   The book includes the reports from the Art Readings International Scientific Conference, held in April 2023, which the Institute of Art Studies  BAS organizes annually. The articles included in the book are devoted to various aspects of art in a wide time range  from Antiquity, to the Middle Ages, the post-Byzantine period and the Bulgarian Revival. The authors of the texts are scientists from Albania, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Russia, Romania, the United States, and North Macedonia.


Table of contents

Diagramming the Direction of History: Succession of Empires from the Trojan Past to the Angevin Future. Elena N. Boeck

Образ и трансформация. Римска скулптура от България. Марина Колева
Image and Transformation. Roman Sculpture from Bulgaria. Marina Koleva

Венециански асперсорий от Варна. Георги Парпулов 
A Venetian Stoup from Varna. Georgi Parpulov

A Political Narrative in the Relationship between Artwork and Recipient. Dominik Lengyel, Catherine Toulouse

Old Habits, New Faith: A Late Antique Amulet from Egypt (BM 1938,1010.1). Maria Lidova

The Phiale Fountain of the Episcopal Basilica of Philippopolis: On the Treatment of Spolia in Late Antiquity. Metamorphoses of the Sacred Water Concept. Iva Dosseva, Elena Kantareva-Decheva, Stanislav Stanev

From Early Christian to Modern: The History of Marble Artifacts in the Monastery of St. John Vladimir (Elbasan, Albania). Elio Hobdari

Devil is in the Detail: An Iconographic Variant of St. Simeon Stylites the Elder. Jehona Spahiu Janchevska

Several Icons of St. Theodore Tyron and Their Relationship with the Great Lent. Maria Kolusheva

Орнаменталният свят на чипровските златари. Нона Петкова
Ornamental World of Chiprovtsi Goldsmiths. Nona Petkova

Paradise Transformed: Ornaments, Relics, and Reliquaries in 18ᵗh–19ᵗh-Century Bulgaria. Darina Boykina

Бекташко-хуруфитски сцени и буквен антропоморфизъм в турската художествена традиция. Любомир Миков
Bektashi-Hurufi Scenes and Letter-Like Anthropomorphism in the Turkish Artistic Tradition. Lyubomir Mikov

St. Joseph, from Mockery to the Cult. Iconographic Changes of Betrothal of the Virgin in the Italian Art. Simona Drăgan

Between Byzantium and the West: The Iconography of Franciscan Saints in Post-Byzantine Icons. Aikaterini-Konstantina Kontopanagou

St. George, St. Nicholas, the Relics of St. Spyridon, St. Anthony of Padua – Еast-West Intersection Points in an Icon from the National Church. Historical and Archaeological Museum, Sofia. Tereza Bacheva

An Icon of the “Immaculate Virgin” on an Inverted Crescent (1865) in the Chryssopigi Monastery, Canea, Crete: A Hidden New Meaning of an Old Allegory? Ioannis Vitaliotis

Превъплъщения на една легенда. Иванка Гергова
Reincarnations of a Legend. Ivanka Gergova

Метаморфози на култа: още веднъж за почитанието на св. Филотея от двете страни на Дунава. Иван Билярски, Маргарита Куюмджиева
Metamorphoses of the Cult: Once Again on the Veneration of St. Philothea on Both Sides of the Danube. Ivan Biliarsky, Margarita Kuyumdzhieva

Творчески метаморфози: зографите Йоан Попович от гр. Елена и Йоан Попниколов от Габрово. Александър Куюмджиев
Creative Metamorphoses: From Ioan pop Raikov from Elena to Ioan pop Nikolov from Gabrovo. Alexander Kuyumdzhiev

Тефтер с рисунки на зограф Иван Димитров от Кочериново. Симеон Тончев
Notebook with Drawings of the Icon Painter Ivan Dimitrov from Kocherinovo. Simeon Tonchev

Девет века изкуство в огледалото на една литийна икона от Несебър. Ралица Русева
Nine Centuries Art in the Mirror of a Processional Icon from Nessebar. Ralitsa Rousseva

Прозрачната одежда на Христос в една несебърска икона. Миграция и трансформация на значението между Византия и средновековния Запад. Любен Домозетски
The Diaphanous Garment of Christ in a Nessebar Icon. Migration and Transformation of Meaning between Byzantium and the Medieval West. Lyuben Domozetski

Composite Icons in the Collections of Bulgarian Museums and Monasteries. Dorota Zaprzalska

À l’ombre des fresques de Sucevița: la spécificité iconographique des peintures murales du monastère de Dragomirna In the Shadow of the Sucevița Frescoes: The Iconographic Specificity of Wall Paintings of the Dragomirna Monastery. Constantin I. Ciobanu

Icons, Donors and Memory: The Iconostasis of the St. Archangels Michael and Gabriel Church in Guča. Irena Ćirović

The Church of the Ascension in Čačak and Its Metamorphoses. Ana Kostić

Църквата „Св. Петка Стара“ и нейната история от XIX и XX век. Майя Захариева
St. Petka Stara Church and Its History During the 19th and 20th Centuries. Maya Zaharieva


Publisher Institute of Art Studies (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Language English, Bulgarian
Pages 550
Illustrations b/w and color figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-7619-23-2
ISSN 1313-2342
Creation date 2024
Size 16 х 24 cm

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