St. Athanasios Church in Arbanassi and the Traditions of the Epirus studio
Category: Christian art (15th18th c.)
     The purpose of the present monographic study is to introduce a mural ensemble dating from 1667 into a wider scholarly field and to broaden a discussion of the context in which they were created from their place in the regional and national setting to their significance within the artistic production of the Balkans as a whole. The study presents an analysis of the historiographical background for the monument and offers a new interpretation of its history, architecture, and dating, as well as a contemporary approach to the style and iconography of the murals in connection with the artistic traditions of late-mediaeval Epirus.
In Bulgarian with summary in English


Table of contents


Глава I. Историография и архитектура

Глава II. Ателието в Янина и арбанашката стенописот XVII в.

Глава III. Идейнотематични и иконографски аспекти на стенописите

Глава IV. Стилови особености на стенописите

Глава V. Стенописите в параклиса „Св. Харалампий“

Списък на илюстрациите

Summary in English

List of illustrations

Църквата „Св. Атанасий“ в Арбанаси и традициите на Епирското ателие

Publisher Praxis
Language Bulgarian with summary in English
Pages 180
Illustrations color figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 954-439-009-4
Creation date 2005
Size 16 х 24 cm

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