Icon-painters beyond the borders: The emergence of the Tryavna art school in the context of the Balkan art (17th18th centuries)
Зографи отвъд границите. Възникването на Тревненската художествена школа в контекста на балканското изкуство XVII-XVIII в.
Language: Bulgarian with a summary in English 


     The formation of the circle of icon painters of Triavna has a genesis, interesting and specific to the period of post-Byzantine art in Bulgarian lands, conditioned by the migration processes within the Balkans and the more frequent occurrences of mobility of workshops of icon painters. The unremitting relations between the villagers of Arbanassi, located near the city of Turnovo, and the lands in what is now the south of Albania and the northwest of Greece, where the Arbanassians have in all probably came from, can be taken as a case in point. Icon-painters could be also traced back to the founders of the place given the activities performed by the so-called Aromanians. Their presence in Arbanassi has become more permanent from the second decade of the seventeenth century onwards. Apart from the decoration of the newly built churches, the reason why Aromanians settled in Arbanassi and its vicinities was the migration processes that initiated the establishing of new local seedbeds or art in a number of places across the Balkans. The formation of the workshop of Triavna was entirely bound up with these all-Balkan processes and with the active participation taken by the family workshops from the region of Kostur (Kastoria) in the decoration of Arbanassi churches.


Table of contents



Щрихи към изкуството на Балканите през поствизантийския период

Село Арбанаси и неговите храмове

Иконите и стенописите от храма „Св. Атанасий“ в Арбанаси

Зограф Йоан от Чивиндола

Ранните зографи от Трявна

Даскал Недьо I

Даскал Христо

Даскал Стойо

Зограф Недьо II





I. Проучване, документиране и консервационно-реставрационни работи на иконите Св. Атанасий и Св. Йоан Кръстител от храм „Св. Атанасий“, с. Арбанаси

II. Османски регистър ОАК 13/60 от около 1691 г.

III. Османски регистър Вд 97/12 от 1702 г.

Publisher Omofor
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 144
Illustrations color plates
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-2972-5-25
Creation date 2016
Size 21 х 24 cm

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