Aleksandar Malinov (Series Duty and honor)
Александър Малинов (поредица „Дълг и чест“)
Category: Bulgaria during the Interwar period

Language: Bulgarian


   Aleksandar Malinov (18671938) was a leading Bulgarian politician who served as Prime Minister on three occasions. Malinov was known for his support for close ties to Russia and he pursued this policy during his first ministry of 19081911. Malinov who veered towards liberalism presided over a relatively unremarkable tenure during which his main concern was stabilising the newly independent country. He was vehemently opposed to the increasing economic links with Germany which followed his period of office. He urged to follow a policy of neutrality after the outbreak of the First World War, fearing that Germany would simply exploit Bulgarian resources for its own war effort. He was recalled as Prime Minister in 1918 specifically to attempt to negotiate an Armistice with the Allies as he had a reputation for moderation and consensus building. After these attempts failed Malinov vowed to fight on, although when a new investment of German money did not materialise he was forced to look for peace. Although Malinov had been appointed as he was seen by both the Tsar and Germany as a trustworthy hand, his position was severely weakened by the fact that the army had lost all interest in the war. He oversaw Bulgarian surrender but resigned on 28 November 1918 after Romania occupied the Dobruja region. Malinov briefly returned at the head of a further Democratic Party government in 1931, although his administration proved short-lived.


Table of contents

Политикът и държавник Александър Малинов (21.04.1867  20.03.1938)

От Бесарабия по обратния път на дедите към старата родина

Магистратско поприще

Партиен лидер със знамето на българския трибагреник

На конференция в Хага  1907 г.

Първото правителство на независима България

Подготовка и обявяването на независимостта

Да помислим сами за себе си!

Признаването на независимостта и уреждане на държавния дълг

Към голямата национална цел

Вторият кабинет на Малинов

Осуетеният кабинет на 4 юли 1913 г.

С предупреждение за втората катастрофа

Намесата в Първата световна война

Към Солунското примирие 1918 г.

Абдикацията на цар Фердинанд

Добруджа или оставка!

Обединение в името на България

В шуменския затвор

В опозиция на опоненти и на свои

Новите предизвикателства

Последното предупреждение на Малинов



Publisher Zahari Stoyanov Publishing
Language Bulgarian
Pages 376
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-09-1598-2
Creation date 2022
Size 14 х 21 cm

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