Dimitar Gyudurov. Bulgarians and opiates: Production and trade (18791944)
Category: Modern Bulgarian HistoryBulgaria during the Interwar period
Българите и опиатите. Производство и търговия (1879—1944)
Language: Bulgarian


   From the Liberation until the end of the First World War, Bulgaria was fully in line with the general world policy on narcotics, as the cultivation of sleeping poppies and opium production is an integral part of the Bulgarian economy. After the end of the world conflict and the restrictive regulations on opiate trade introduced by the UN, organized smuggling to black markets began. Between 1919 and 1944, the Bulgarian state was also involved in the international network for the production and illegal trade in opium, heroin and hashish. The study aims to trace the legal production of narcotics, smuggling of drugs and the prevention of the Bulgarian authorities against their illegal extraction and distribution.


Table of contents


I. Опиатите по българските земи

Упойващи вещества

Българската връзка в Александрия и Порт Саид

Афион и контрабандисти

II. По българските следи

Консултативният комитет по опиума и България

Вторият доклад на Ръсел паша

Политика на превенция

Конвенцията за борба с нелегалната търговия

Съвещателната комисия по трафика за опиум

III. Държава и опиум по време на Втората световна война

В навечерието на военния конфликт

Опиатите по време на войната


Цитирани източници

Списък на съкращенията



Publisher New Bulgarian University
Language Bulgarian
Pages 270
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-233-202-0
Creation date 2022
Size 14 х 21 cm

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