Created to speak


     The literary world is a major "character" in the texts compiled in this book. Created with different attitudes, at different times, by different authors, this world expresses longings, disappointments, hopes, faith, personal demons and historical prophecies. He speaks, exposes, comforts, opens new spaces. This parallel world is often a personal salvation for its creator, a response to a crisis emotional experience, an aesthetized philosophy of life, a manifestation of new art, a form of social rebellion, an expression of progressive thinking. A world-mirror, but also a world-portal that will always keep an open dialogue about the potential of art and the power of the visual resources of language.


Table of contents

Авторът и неговият свят

Лора Каравелова  непознатата. Саморазколебаване на писането

Предметната вселена на Атанас Далчев

Никола Вапцаров. Архитектоника на художествения свят

Гоя и чудовището

Светът на авангарда

Авангардът  изкуството, което искаше да бъде живот

Исторически авангард, наука и философия

Ямболските „модернисти“ или „тунджанският авангардизъм“

Манифестната прокламация на българския исторически авангард

Техника, технология, авангард

Биляна Борисова. Създаден, за да изрече

Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian
Pages 270
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-07-4776-7
Creation date 2019
Size 16 х 24 cm

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