Phraseologisms in contemporary Bulgarian poetry
Фразеологизмите в съвременната българска поезия
Category: Contemporary Bulgarian literature
Language: Bulgarian


   Phraseologisms are linguistic units traditionally defined as colloquial. Looking for deviations from this stereotype, the monograph focuses on the use of phraseologisms in texts that are at the other stylistic pole  the poetic language. Based on empirical material extracted from poems by Blaga Dimitrova, Nikolay Kanchev, Boris Hristov, Binyo Ivanov and other Bulgarian poets, the author comes to the conclusion that despite the label colloquialism, phraseology finds a place in poetry and sings in a harmonious chorus with poeticisms, enter in step with the measured speech and become a full-fledged building block of the complex, multi-meaning, allegorical and phonetic-metrically framed verse text.


Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian
Pages 198
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-7433-77-7
Creation date 2023
Size 14 х 21 cm

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