Hidden Folklore from villages of Graovo, Mraka, Znepole and Transko Kraishte (Central West Bulgaria)
Скришен фолклор. Умотворения от Граово, Мрака, Знеполе и Трънско Краище
Category: Bulgarian traditional culture
Language: Bulgarian


   The texts introduce the "secret" knowledge of the Bulgarian about sexual life. The edition includes tales, songs, proverbs, riddles, anecdotes. They represent the regional folklore culture of the regions of Pernik, Breznik, Radomir and Trun (Central Western Bulgaria). Some of the materials are related to the first wedding night, about the "honest" bride, about male potency, about "making a child" etc. Violations of prohibitions on sexual contacts in the social and kinship sphere form another significant circle. The "random meeting" theme collects in a separate group.


Publisher Erove
Language Bulgarian
Pages 216
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-7313-57-4
Creation date 2022
Size 14 х 21 cm

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