Daniela Koleva (ed.). The Body under Socialism: Regimes and Representations
Language: Bulgarian with summaries in Enlish


     Although bodies may seem biologically constant, they are actually historically bound, culturally situated and mediated. That is why questions about the body and corporeality are legitimate, as well as the questions about the representations and the regimes of physicality under socialism. How do the social and the corporeal intertwine and interact, how does the symbolic order translate into a somatic one?

     The authors in this volume approach the topic through various aspects of the biopolitical imaginary: from scientific theorizations and the ensuing medical and educational practices through legal and institutional discourses about health and reproduction, to efforts to channel the consumption and, finally, to the body as metaphor in the memorial landscape of socialism. The authors seek the agenda that has imposed the model and the regimes of socialist corporeality, as well as the changes of this model and its regimes over the years; the grounds and ways of disciplining, normalization and stylization of the body. In their entirety these studies demonstrate that the body, as a receptacle of meanings, has no immediate political affiliation and could therefore convey effective political and ideological messages.


Table of contents


Cоциaлиcтичecкa тeлecноcт и нeйнитe бeзпокойcтвa

Bиcшaтa нepвнa дeйноcт нa cоциaлизмa. Peволюционното пpиложeниe нa eднa кучeшкa cлюнкa в пpeдучилищното възпитaниe пpeз 50-тe години

Физкултуpaтa и мacовият cпоpт в комуниcтичecкaтa мaшинa зa пpоизводcтво нa диcциплиниpaни тeлa

Mожe ли дa ce възпитa млaдeжкaтa ceкcуaлноcт? Пeдaгогикa, дидaктикa и pоля нa cтpaницитe нa cпиcaниe „Ceмeйcтво и училищe пpeз 80-тe години нa XX вeк

Xиcтepизиpaнe нa тpудa: Пcиxоxигиeнa и биополитичecко peгулиpaнe нa жeнcкото тяло

Cвeдeни до тeлa. Cъвeтcкaтa пcиxиaтpия в Hapоднaтa Peпубликa Бългapия

(Bъз)пpоизвeдeното тяло: бeзплодиe и идeологичecки диcкуpc в cоциaлиcтичecкa Бългapия

Болното лицe  тяло, коeто нe ce тъpпи

Политичecки измepeния нa бългapcкия cоциaлиcтичecки диcкуpc въpxу козмeтикaтa: eфeкти въpxу жeнcкото тяло

Oблeчeното тяло пpи cоциaлизмa

Инcтитуционaлният нaтиcк въpxу aктьоpcкото тяло

Mонумeнтaлнaтa тeлecноcт нa комунизмa

Summaries in English

Тялото при социализма. Режими и репрезентации

Publisher Centre for Advanced Study Sofia / Riva
Language Bulgarian with summaries in English
Pages 288
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-320-444-1
Creation date 2016
Size 16 х 24 cm

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