Language close up: Papers in honour of Christo Stamenov
Language: Bulgarian with summaris in English


Table of contents

Editor’s note

M. Kolarova. Assoc. Prof. Christo Stamenov, PhD, at 75

Works by Christo Stamenov

Part I: Making a mark

Р. Ницолова. Доц. д-р Христо Стаменов  автор на превод с международно значение
R. Nicolova. Assoc. Prof. Christo Stamenov, PhD as author of a translation of international importance (summary)

V. Philipov. When translation linguistics

И. Куцаров. Размисли за категорията, която Ал. Теодоров-Балан нарича положение
I. Kutsarov. Reflections on the category called položenie (“status”) by A. Teodorov-Balan (summary)

П. Асенова, З. Генчева. Още един път за един: удвояване на неопределеното пряко допълнение
P. Asenova, Z. Guentcheva. Once again about един: doubling of the indefinite direct object (summary)

D. Dyer. “One of a kind”: When specificity breeds duplicity

В. Радева. Заета лексика и системни отношения в езика
V. Radeva. Borrowed vocabulary and systemic relatons in language (summary)

Ц. Аврамова. Има ли словообразувателен формант -инг/-ing в славянските езици?
T. Avramova. Is there a word-formative element –инг/-ing in the Slavic languages? (summary)

М. Ковачева. Езиков контакт, заемане на афикси и експресивност
M. Kovacheva. Language contact, affix borrowing and expessivity (summary)

P. Stalmaszczyk. A note of the Irish preposition le and Irish English with

Part II: Zooming on language

В. Маровска. Граматикализацията и особеностите ѝ в българския език
V. Marovska. Grammaticalisation and its peculiarities in Bugarian (summary)

M. Stambolieva. On the freedom of morphemes

A. Bagasheva. A snippet on paradigms in word-formation or why we can apartment-hunt but not good-look

Б. Парашкевов. Причастни превъплъщения и тяхната миграция
B. Parashkevov. Participal metamorphoses and their migration (summary)

И. Тенев. Междуезикова полисемия в норвежки, немски и английски език: frisk/ferskfrisch и fresh
I. Tenev. Cross-language polysemy in Norwegian, German and English: frisk/ferskfrisch and fresh (summary)

V. Naydenov. On the correspondences between the conjugations of cognate weak verbs in mainland Scandinavian

Б. Христов. Глаголни и именни употреби на междуметия и частици в съвременния разговорен български език
B. Hristov. Verbal and nominal uses of interjections and particles in contemporary colloquial Bulgarian (summary)

S. Grancharova. What is it?

Z. Haritonchik. Metaphoric meanings in the semantic structure of polysemantic words

H. Moskovsky. Age and second language acquisition: is there a critical period?

V. Koynakova. Teaching epistemic should: A cognitive-pragmatic perspective

S. Dimitrova. The choice of model in teaching English pronunciation at tertiary level

G. Dimitrov. Мethodology for the contrastive study of focus projection in English and Bulgarian

M. Grancharov. Concerning two types communicative-information focus in the clause

Y. Chankova. Constraints on double object scrambling in Оld English

М. Стаменов. Catch as catch can: масалът като аргумент в научна дискусия
M. Stamenov. Catch as catch can: The fable (“masal”) as scientific argumentation (summary)

N. Tincheva. Discourse world-profiling expressions: Contrasting data from British and Bulgarian political speeches

E. Tarasheva. You can tell them by their words: Analysis of Donald Trump’s language in his campaign speeches

P. Osenova. Transferring linguistic information from a constituent-based framework to a dependency-based one: Тhe case of Bulgarian

S. Nedeltcheva, M. Todorova. A close-up on run in technical texts: A corpus-based study

Part III: Building a bridge

А. Шурбанов. Три в едно: проблемите на превода на хипертекст
A. Shurbanov. Three in one: Problems in translating a hypertext (summary)

V. Kostadinova. Persuasion: Free indirect discourse in translation

M. Holman. Divi razkazi in English: From proposal to publication

H. Pârlog. Job advertisements in English in the Romanian press

Р. Железарова. Незабележимите неточности при превод: славяно-български паралели
R. Zhelezarova. Elusive inaccuracies in translation (Slavic-Bulgarian parallels) (summary)

D. Yankova. Recent language legislation in Quebec

Езикът отблизо. Сборник в чест на Христо Стаменов

Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian with summaries in English
Pages 406
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-954-07-4517-6
Creation date 2018
Size 16 х 24 cm

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