“Hagia Sophia. Part I: Cyrillic and Glagolitic Graffiti Inscriptions
Second revised and enlarged edition
„Св. София“. Надписи-графити на кирилица и глаголица
Language: Bulgarian with an extended summary in English


     At the root of this study lies the fact that throughout the ages many visitors have left their inscriptions and drawings on the walls of churches and these have been labelled by the scientific community as “graffiti”. Graffiti are most often located in places which are easily accessible. The walls of temples are especially suitable due to the convenience of the surface and the existing preconditions for good communication. Graffiti are unofficial writings which express the personal piety of their authors. On the church wall they played the role of a prayer. Graffiti on the walls of buildings were common amongst laity, clerics and pilgrims who wrote down their names in the hope that they might attain salvation if they remain forever in a holy place such as a church. Others probably left their marks on such places because their freedom of expression was limited everywhere. Some authors proudly wrote their names following a serious endeavor (a journey or pilgrimage).

     The main task of this book is to present 91 Cyrillic and 1 Glagolitic inscriptions which have been scratched in the galleries of the Church of “Hagia Sophia at Constantinople. The vast majority of graffiti are concentrated in the second-story aisles or galleries. All we can say with any assurance is that the upper galleries were a preferable place for graffiti because they were far from the direct view of any clergy officiating in the chancel...


Table of contents


I. „Св. София“ и нейните галерии

II. Надписи-графити

1. Западна галерия

2. Южна галерия

3. Северна галерия

III. Заключение

1. Палеография и правопис

2. Исторически бележки


IV. Приложения

1. Схема с разположението на надписите по галерии

2. Илюстрации — снимки на галериите на „Св. София“

3. Илюстрации — снимки на надписите по галерии

Западна галерия

Южна галерия

Северна галерия


Речник-индекс към надписите

Палеографски таблици на графитите

Резюме на английски език


Publisher New Bulgarian University
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 428
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-233-092-7
Creation date 2020
Size 16 х 24 cm

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