The book gives a view on the birth of written works, composed by the most prominent representatives of Preslav, Ohrid and Tarnovo Literary Schools: Kliment of Ohrid, Konstantin of Preslav, Exarch Ioan, Chernorizets Hrabur, Presbyter Grigori, Presbyter Kosma, Evtimi of Tarnovo, bishop Kiprian, Grigori Tsamblak and others.

Authors: Lyudmila Gorina, Bonka Daskalova
Language: Bulgarian 
 Russian (bilingual) with summary in English


Table of contents


Part One. The creation of Bulgarian literacy monuments on home land during the 7th  14th centuries

Part Two. The treasures of Bulgarian written culture in Russia

Part Three. In the time of scientific discoveries of the Bulgarian literacy masterpieces


For the authors




Част первая. Сотворение памятников болгарской книжности на родной земле в VIIXIV вв.

Част второя. Сокровища болгарской письменной культуры на Руси

Част третья. Во времени научных открытий болгарских книжных шедевров


Об авторах

Шедьоври на българската книжовност на руска земя
Шедевры болгарской книжности на русской земле

Publisher Prof. Marin Drinov academic publishing house
Language Bulgarian, Russian
Pages 242
Illustrations color figures
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-954-322-423-4
Creation date 2011
Size 22 х 24 cm

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