Structure of historical knowledge
Структура на историческото познание
Language: Bulgairan


     The work explores the structure of historical knowledge. To the extent that the analysis of knowledge is a gnoseological in nature, the present study relates to the field of applied gnoseology. Since the historical knowledge has a reflective rather than a sensory character, the work has an applied-logical character. Therefore, the field to which the work belongs, is the applied or specialized gnoseology and logic.
     The methodology of historical knowledge deals with a number of other issues  for example, the question of the ability of historical knowledge to reach objective truth, the relationship between value and truth, the knowledge for the general in history, respectively the possibility for general concepts in historical sciences.


Table of contents

И. Тефанов. Завръщане към Асен Игнатов

Встъпителни бележки

Първа глава. Историческото повествование

1. Емпиричен или изводен характер на историческото повествование? Историческият факт

2. Време и пространство на историческия факт

3. Логически и художествени аспекти на историческото повествование

Втора глава. Теоретически операции на историческото познание

1. Каузално обяснение

2. Генетично обяснение

3. Интерпретация




Publisher East–West Publishing
Language Bulgarian
Pages 176
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-01-0653-1
Creation date 2020
Size 14 х 21 cm

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