Stela Doncheva. Moulds and Dies from Bulgarian Middles Ages (9th14th centuries)
In Bulgarian with a summary in English. Catalogue translated into English


Table of contents

Ранно българско средновековие (IXXI в.)
[Early Bulgarian Middles Ages (9th—11th c.)]

Византийски период (XIXII в.)
[Byzantine Period (11th
12th c.]

Късно българско средновековие (XIIXIV в.)
[Late Bulgarian Middles Ages (12th—14th c.)]

Предназначение и употреба
[Function and Usage]



Списък на образите в текста
[List of Illustrations]


Moulds and dies from Bulgarian middle ages (IXth  XIVth c.) (summary)

Калъпи и матрици от Българското средновековие (ІХ-ХІV в.)

Publisher Faber
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 312
Illustrations b/w and color figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-00-0337-3
Creation date 2015
Size 20 x 29 cm

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