Journeys: Art Readings, 2020. Volume I: Old Art
Language: Bulgarian, English

Category: Art Readings

The edition includes the papers delivered at the journeys-themed conference on traveling as a phenomenon and a subject of art and culture.

Table of contents

E. Moutafov, T. Bacheva. A Journey from the Altar to the Narthex: Metropolitan Christophor and the Monastery of Bachkovo

M. Koleva. Sea Journeys in Roman Sculpture from the Territory of Bulgaria

A. Adashinskaya. Sweat, Fear, Joy, and Amazement: Personal Experience and Mental Journeys of Orthodox Pilgrims to the Holy Land (12th to 15th Century)

P. Moukarzel. Descriptions of Carved Lily Flowers on the Walls of Damascus in Fifteenth-Century Pilgrims’ Accounts

И. Гергова. Дo Йерусалим и обратно: топография и иконография на поклонничеството в Източното Средиземноморие (XVIIIXIX век)

M. Katić. The Staging of the Pilgrimage. Barskiy at the Holy Sepulcher and 18th Century Erusalimii

I. Vitaliotis. In fernem Land, unnahbar euren Schritten... Theodor Anton Ippen’s Reports on the Medieval Churches of the Albanian North. A Critical Approach

М. Захариева. Една фотография от първата половина на XX век и църквата в село Яна

O. Iakubovschi. The Selection of Saints in the Narthex of Saint George’s Church at Voroneț Monastery: A Case Study on the Transmission of Religious Models from the Balkans towards Moldavia during the 15th Century

М. Колушева. Едно изгубено изображение на тропара „Горе на трона и долу в гроба“ от църквата „Св. Георги“ в Арбанаси

А. Куюмджиев. Икони от светогорския монах Доситей от Печ в Самоков

D. Boykina. Itinerant Monks, Taxidiotic Boxes and Pilgrimage in the 18th19th Century in the Bulgarian Lands

I. Rajović. Pilgrimage and Visual Culture in 19ᵗh-Century Kosovo and Metohija

V. Yontcheva. Gospodin Zhelyazkov and His Paintings in Sofia Churches

I. Karalis. A Journey Intramuros. Processions and Other External Rites in Liturgical Manuscripts of Thessalonica

Y. Genov. One Chanson  Three Intabulations. The Journey of Orlando di Lasso’s Bon jour mon coeur to the Wurstisen lute book in Basel

К. Япова. Пътят на литургичния смисъл в неговата музикална иманентност

И. Ванев. Три писма от остров „Св. Анастасия“ от лятото на 1911 година

Е. Мутафов. Два новоразкрити гръцки надписа от параклиса „Св. Архангели“ в Бачковския манастир и тяхната контекстуализация


Publisher Institute of Art Studies (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Language Bulgarian, English with summaries in English and Bulgarian
Pages 354
Illustrations b/w and color figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-8594-98-1
Creation date 2020
Size 16 х 24 cm

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