Mehmed Neşri (ca. 1450—1520). The mirror of the world: History of the Ottoman court
Мехмед Нешри. Огледало на света
Category: Ottoman studies
Language: Bulgarian


     Mehmed Neşri Cihannüma (“The Cosmorama”) was, as the title suggests, designed to be a universal history. The sixth part, the longest section of which is devoted to a history of the Ottoman dynasty, was presented to Sultan Bayezid II and is the only part extant. Neşri relied heavily on the work of an earlier Ottoman historian, Aşıkpaşazâde’s Tevârih-i Âl-i Osman (“The Chronicles of the House of Osman”), as a source. He also used the royal calendars, a type of almanac prepared to provide the court with astrological information and containing lists of historical events. Neşri is considered a true historian in that he appears to have examined his sources carefully and to have tried to establish the correct facts and chronology objectively.


Table of contents

Мехмед Нешри и неговото съчинение „Огледало на света“

Книга за историята на османския двор

Раздел III. Представя султаните на воюващия за правата вяра османски род

Терминологичен речник

Показалец на географските имена

Показалец на личните имена

Съкращения към показалците


Publisher East–West Publishing
Language Bulgarian
Pages 464
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-619-152-922-3
Creation date 2016
Size 14 х 22 cm

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