Numismatic Researches and Materials, Part 4, 1998 (author's series)
Author: Luchezar Lazarov. Language: Bulgarian and Russian with summaries in English and French


Table of contents /summaries/

A rare coin of Apollonia Pontica

About the circulation of the autonomous bronze coins of Messambria in the DalgopolProvadia area

A connection between the bronze coinage of Messambria and Cavarus

Tetradrachms of Scordisci from the fortresses of Arkovna

Bronze coins of Odessos kept in Dalgopol museum’s stock

Lead weights kept in Dalgopol museum’s stock

Review. Metodi Manov. Problems of the Coinage in Thrace (281218 BC). Sofia, Agato, 1999



Нумизматични проучвания и материали, част 4

Publisher Faber
Language Bulgarian and Russian with summaries in English and French
Pages 190
Illustrations b/w figures, b/w plates, maps
Binding paperback
ISBN 954-775-171-9
Creation date 2003
Size 14 x 20 cm

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