In memory of Alexander Fol
Table of contents
M. Tashkova-Lapteva. List of Publications by Alexander Fol 2003-2008 — Continuation from Thracia, vol. XV
D. Popov. Le Dieu Suprême des Thrace. Incarnations et identifications, traductions-notations et noms-appellations
V. Fol. The Anthropodaimons with Golden Masks from Upper Stream of Tonzos
И. Маразов. Костите в погребението
G. L. Medrano. El canon del aire. Lectura de “Las Aves” de Aristófanes
V. Lozanova. ΓΕΝΟΣ ΤΙΤΑΝΙΚΟΝ (on the Interpretation of Sophocles’ Tereus, fr. 591R)
A. Bernabé. Orpheus and Eleusis
В. Ганева. „Певецът на Бах”
M. Vassileva. Phrygian Rock-Cut Thrones, ‘Idols' and Phrygian Royal Symbolism
V. Sîrbu. Pratiques mortuaires chez les thraces nordiques: “La société des vivants” — “La communauté des dormeurs” (les ver s. av. J.-C. — ler s. ap. J.-C.)
R. Popova. The Road of Sabazios to the Northern Coasts of the Black Sea: the Bosporan Kingdom
B. Cristina. Edifices sacrés à l’âge du royaume Dace
I. Shopova. The Baxxion from Moesia Inferior
Y. Ivanov. Sleep or the Mirror of Death
K. Jordanov. Political History of Northeastern Thrace from the mid-6th Century until 323/322 BC
K. Porozhanov. The Residences of the Odrysian Rulers
K. Dimitrov. Wars and Policy of the Royal Dynasty at Seuthopolis
M. Vasilev. Thucydides II. 99 and the Early Expansion of the Argeadae
J. Jekov. The Stratagem of Epaminondas
V. Markov. The Ancient Thracian Rock Sanctuary The Cross in the Rila Mountain and the cult of St. John of Rila
M. Ivanov. The Nimbus at some Images of the Thracian Rider within the Context of Ancient Art
J. Ivanova. The Woman in the Ancient Thracian Society in the Scientific Works of Alexander Fol
S. Lozanova. "Male" and "Female" Space in Greek Vase Painting in Bulgarian Lands (Symposium and Gynaeceum)
R. Gicheva, I Meimaris. Perperek-Hyperpyrakion-Perperakion
V. Gjuzelev. Das Bulgarenzarenreich und das Papsttums in der Periode Ende des 12. — Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts
E. Beksac, S. N. Beksac. The Foffy Phantoms near the Sea: the Eternal Heritage of the Southern Side of the Gulf of Adramytteion
E. Gonthier. Archéométallurgie précieuse de la culture de Varna a celle de Thraces
M. Avramova. The Multicolored Clothes (as Evidenced in the Prehistoric Necropolis near the Golemiyat Ostrov Tell, near the Village of Durankulak, Dobrich Region)
M. Hristov, V. Karatsanova. On the Function of the Particular Type of Gold Artifacts from the Bronze Age in Southeast Europe and Asia Minor
D. Damyanov. Thracian Sanctuary-Fortress at the Village of Strashimir — the Middle Rhodopes
M. Deoudi. Unbekannte Steinstelen aus der Römischen Provinz Thracia eine Kunsthistorische Betrachtung
S. Janakiewa. Ist der Flussname Ἄξιος thrakisch?
Z. Gočeva. Le culte de Dionysos en Thrace d’après les monuments votifs
A. Falileyev. A New Thracian Name from Dacia? AD CIL III 294*
Details | |
Publisher | Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Tracology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) |
Language | English, Bulgarian, German, French, Italian |
Pages | 512 |
Illustrations | b/w figures, maps |
Binding | paperback |
ISSN | 0204-9872 |
Creation date | 2009 |
Size | 16 x 24 cm |