Athonite Subjects in the Art across the 18th19th-Century Bulgarian Lands
Original title: Светогорски теми в изкуството по българските земи (XVIII—XIX в.)
Category: Christian art (15th–18th c.); Art of the Bulgarian National Renaissance
Language: Bulgarian with a summary in English


     The constant and intense spiritual and cultural interconnections between the Athos monasteries and the Christians from the Bulgarian lands during 18th19th centuries lead to the appearance of a thematic layer in Orthodox art that includes "Holy Mount" subjects. The book examines replicas of miraculous icons and images of saints from Mount Athos in monuments from today's Bulgaria. The pilgrimage tradition played a key role in the appearance of these works — some of them were brought by pilgrims, others were made by local craftsmen who often used models made in Mount Athos.


Table of contents


Реплики на светогорски чудотворни икони в България

Богородица Троеручица

Богородица Портаитиса

Достойно ест

Богородица Икономиса

Богородица Скоропослушница

Богородица Ватопедини/Есфагмени/Заклана

Богородица ПарамитияВатопедска

Богородица Млекопитателница

Тихвинска плачеща

Копривщенската икона

Чудотворни икони на манастира Зограф

Светогорски светци

Св. Симеон и св. Сава Сръбски

Дохиарски чудеса на архангелите



Athonite Subjects in the Art across the 18th-19th-Century Bulgarian Lands
Publisher Institute of Art Studies
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 292
Illustrations b/w and color figures
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-619-7619-20-1
Creation date 2022
Size 16 х 24 cm

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