Ivan Tenev. Verb nominalization in modern Swedish and Norwegian
Отглаголна номинализация в съвременния шведски и норвежки език
Category: Contrastive Linguistics


   The monograph compares verbal nominalization in the modern Swedish and Norwegian languages (the written norm Bokmål). The formal, semantic and stylistic features of the word-formation types are compared, based on an intra-system and inter-system analysis of the word-formation types and the corresponding derived lexemes. Separately and in a comparative plan, basic systematic regularities and phenomena such as regular polysemy, diffuseness of meaning, various types of contextually determined semantic interpretations are considered.


Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian
Pages 282
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-07-5892-3
Creation date 2024
Size 16 х 24 cm

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