The Bulgarian in his linguistic world: Linguo-cultural and ethno-psycholinguistic research
Българинът в своя езиков свят. Лингвокултурологично и етнопсихолингвистично изследване
Language: Bulgarian


   The reality around us, which everyone knows, turns out to be different depending on the language through which one makes sense of the world. Even the simplest and most commonly used words can be a cause for misunderstanding  especially when it comes to intercultural communication. In view of the specifics that each language offers, man (Bulgarian in particular) conceptualizes the surrounding world and creates his own picture of the world, which, although individual, is always in the context of the ethnic picture of the world. The analysis of individual basic concepts in this picture, such as man, woman, child, family, home, village, city, road, beauty and stupidity, makes it possible to clarify the role of these realia in our lives, the assessment they carry, and the specifics of the mental awareness of the global world.


Table of contents

I. Основни понятия. Предмет, задачи и цели на изследването

1. Език, мислене, култура, комуникация

2. Картина на света

3. Концепт

4. Научни парадигми. Методология на изследването

5. Ядро на езиковото съзнание на българите

6. Материал

7. Подбор на концепти

8. Предмет, задачи и цели на изследването

II. Персоналии

1. мъж

2. Жена

3. Дете

4. Семейство

III. Локации

1. Дом

2. Между дом и къща

3. Мястото за живеене  село и град

4. Път

IV. Ценности

1. Красота

2. Глупост

V. Заключение

Използвана библиография


Publisher St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Language Bulgarian
Pages 220
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-619-208-237-6
Creation date 2021
Size 14 x 21 cm

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