Healers and Healing Practices at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Ethnological Study
Лечители и лечителски практики в началото на XXI век. Етноложко изследване
Category: Bulgarian traditional cultureHistory of Medicine
Language: Bulgarian


   The book presents an ethnological study of Bulgarian folk medicine from the beginning of the 21st century. Different categories of healers and healing practices are analyzed in a process of change, that is seen as part of the mechanism of adaptation of traditional folk healing in a postmodern cultural environment. The existence of traditional healers and healing practices are seen as a socially shared and acceptable compromise both by the healers themselves and by representatives of scientific medicine.


Table of contents


I. Етнология на лечителските практики  регионален обхват и методология на изследването

II. Лечители и лечителски практики в началото на XXI век — между наследеното умение и обновеното знание

III. Между религиозните действия и магическите практики

IV. Традиционната и научната медицина в съвременността — конкуренти или необходими съседи?



Списък на респондентите


Резюме на английски

Publisher St. Kliment Ohridski University Press
Language Bulgarian with a summary in English
Pages 246
Illustrations b/w figure
Binding hardback
ISBN 978-954-07-552-5
Creation date 2022
Size 16 х 24 cm

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