The Bulgarian Czechs / Bulharští Češi /  Българските чехи
Language: Bulgarian, English, Czech


   The album accompanies the exhibition “The Bulgarian Czechs” jointly realized by the Bulgarian News Agency and the Archives State Agency

   Following the Liberation in 1878, the young Bulgarian state embarked at a rapid pace on the path of institution building, economic modernization and spiritual development, a long process that required the efforts of trained and educated specialists. At the dawn of its development, Bulgarian society did not have enough cadres to meet the requirements of the times. In order to fill the gaps, the education and work of several generations were required.

   That is why the appreciation and gratitude of Bulgarians towards the first Czechs who arrived in post-Liberation Bulgaria and made their contribution to its construction, are immense. It is indisputable that in every area of public life there is a record of the names of Czechs who, with their knowledge and skills, contributed to the prosperity of Bulgaria.

   It was entrepreneurial, active and progressive Czech specialists in different branches of production that came to Bulgaria. They were craftsmen, polygraphers, brewers, builders. Prominent Czech intellectuals especially invited by the government of the young state  highly educated teachers, engineers, architects, historians, artists, musicians  also connected their fate with Bulgaria. All of them, working for many years with persistence and dedication, each in their field, laid the foundations of the major cultural and business institutions in the modernizing, fraternal Slavic state. They left a rich heritage of scientific research and discoveries, paintings and musical works, which, even to this day, are part of the excellent exemplars of our spiritual heritage. 


Table of contents

Д-р Константин Йозеф Иречек
Dr. Konstantin Josef Jireček
Dr. Konstantin Josef Jireček

Фамилията Прошек
Rodina Prošků
The Prošek family

Антонин (Адолф) Колар
Antonín (Adolf) Kolář
Antonín (Adolf) Kolář

Карел Вацлав Шкорпил
Karel Václav Škorpil
Karel Václav Škorpil

Херменгилд (Херман) Вацлав Шкорпил
Hermenegild (Herman) Václav Škorpil
Hermenegild (Herman) Václav Škorpil

Иван Йосифов Буреш
Ivan Bureš
Ivan Yosifov Buresh

Антонин (Антон) Новак
Antonín (Anton) Novák
Antonín (Anton) Novák

Вацлав Стрибърни
Václav Stříbrný
Václav Stříbrný

Лудвиг Вацлав Стрибърни
Ludvík Stříbrný
Ludvík Václav Stříbrný

Йозеф Шмаха
Josef Šmaha
Josef Šmaha

Йосиф Шнитер
Josef Schnitter
Josef Schnitter

Вацлав Добруски
Václav Dobruský
Václav Dobruský

Антон Вацлав Шоурек
Antonín Václav Šourek
Anton Václav Šourek

Франтишка Сенлерова-Шоурекова
Františka Söhnlerová- Šourková
Františka Söhnlerová- Šourková

Иван Вацлав Мърквичка (Иван Мърквичка)
Jan Václav Mrkvička (Ivan Mrkvička)
Jan Václav Mrkvička (Ivan Mrkvička)

Ярослав Вешин
Jaroslav Věšín
Jaroslav Věšín

Владимир Сис
Vladimir Sís
Vladimir Sís

Иван Вацлав Цибулка
Ivan Václav Cibulka
Iwan Václav Cibulka

Йозеф (Йосиф) Питер
Josef (Yosif) Pitter
Josef (Yosif) Pitter

Франц (Франтишек) Карл Милде
Franz (František) Carl Milde
Franz (František) Carl Milde


Publisher Trud
Language Bulgarian, English, Czech
Pages 240
Illustrations b/w figures
Binding paperback
ISBN 978-954-398-642-2
Creation date 2020
Size 21 x 29 cm

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