Studiа in honorem prof. Vassil Gjuzelev


Table of contents

List of abbreviations

Editorial note


J. Koder. Überlegungen zur ländlichen Siedlungsterminologie der Byzantiner, insbesondere zu chorion, kome und verwandten Termini

E. Trapp. Gold und Silber. Parallelen im griechischen Wortschatz, eine vergleichende Betrachtung

S. Cosentin. Sul transito dei soldati (in merito a Iust. Nov. CXXX)

A. Nikolov. Khan Krum in the Byzantine Tradition: Terrible Rumours, Misinformation and Political Propaganda

SV. Jakobsson. Mission Miscarried: the Narrators of the Ninth-Century Missions to Scandinavia and Central Europe

S. Mariev. Echi delle teorie ottiche antiche nelle Omelie di Fozio

W. Seibt. Drei problematische Siegel mit Bulgarien-Bezug

Ив. Йорданов. Печати на Симеон, василевс на ромеите (?–927)

P. Frankopan. 11th-Century Military Seals from Bulgaria: Some Suggestions

A. Wassiliou-Seibt. Die Neff en des Patriarchen Michael I. Kerullarios (1043–1058) und ihre Siegel. Ikonographie als Ausdrucksmittel der Verwandtschaft

R. Tocci. Zur Überlieferung der sogenannten Epitome des Ioannes Kinnamos

K. Nenov. The Black Sea Region According to an Anonymous Pisan Geography

С. Аризанова. Венециански и генуезки документи като извор за облеклото на българите през ХІІІ–ХІV в.

F. Lauritzen. Bessarion’s Political Thought: the Encomium to Trebizond

A. Rhoby. Zu den Inschrift en auf den byzantinischen und postbyzantinischen Ikonen von Nesebăr

P. Schreiner. Nugae byzantino-bulgaricae

A. Rigo. Marco Eugenico autore e lettore di opere spirituali

A. Külzer. "… la cité de Visoi qui moult estoit bone et fort". Zur Geschichte der ostthrakischen Stadt Vize/Bizyē in byzantinischer Zeit

P. Soustal. Melenikitsion, das kleine Melnik bei Serres

L. Balletto. Con una navis genovese da Caff a a Pera e a Chio nel 1472

Вл. Ангелов. Сведения за Венеция и Генуа в съчинението на Лаоник Халкокондил

S. Rakova. Constantinople et ses lieux sacrés au début du 16e siècle (vus par les Vénitiens)

П. Данова. „За България и нейните владетели“ (1623 г.) на Джовани Николо Дольони

В. Тъпкова-Заимова, М. Димитрова. Свети-Димитровски текст, намерен в Бачковския манастир


H. Wolfram. Wie viele Völker sind in einem Volk?

D. Ziemann. Between Authoritarianism and Consensus: Domination and the Role of Nobility in the First Bulgarian Realm (7th–Late 9th Century)

P. Sophoulis. Containing the Bulgar Threat: Byzantium’s Search for an Ally in the Former Avar Territories in the Early Middle Ages

P. Angelov. The Man of the West through the Eyes of Medieval Bulgarians

М. Лешка. Политиката на княз Симеон спрямо ограбването на Солун от арабите през 904 г.

М. Каймакамова. Константин Преславски и българската историческа култура в края на ІХ–началото на X в.

K. Marinov. Hémos comme barrière militaire. L’analyse des écrits historiques de Léon le Diacre et de Jean Skylitzès au sujet de la campagne de guerre des empereurs byzantins Nicéphore II Phocas en 967 et de Jean I Tzymiscès en 971

S. Georgieva. The First Hungarian Princess in Mediaeval Bulgaria

P. Meinrad Straässle. Kriegführung und Raum in Byzanz: Strategie und Taktik bei Kleidion 1014

E. Limousin. Michel Psellos et la Bulgarie

И. Илиев. Един епизод от догматичните спорове между църквите на Константинопол и Рим

J. Shepard. Byzantine Emperors, Imperial Ideology and the Fact of Bulgaria

L. Ilieva. Bulgarian Contribution to the Economics and Culture of the Byzantine Empire. Bulgarian Territories in the End of 11th–12th Centuries

O. Cristea. Une "blague sicilienne": Suprématie maritime et prestige dans la Méditerranée au XIIe siècle

S. Origone. Travels from Peloponnesus to the Black Sea

F. Dall’aglio. Shifting Capitals and Shifting Identities: Pliska, Preslav, Tărnovo and the Self-Perception of a Medieval Nation

I. Mladjov. The Bulgarian Prince and Would-Be Emperor Lodovico

Кр. Кръстев. Дипломатически отношения между Българското царство и Египет през ХІV в.

K. Petkov. Crusade, Hybridity, and Self-Identity: Leontios Makhairas and the Feudal Order of Late Medieval Cyprus

D. Dimitrov. The Everyday Life of a Western European Noble on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: the Case of the Green Count

E. Mitsiou. The Monastery of Sosandra: a Contribution to Its History, Dedication and Localisation

E. Kostova. Constantine Dragaš and His Principality. According to Unpublished Source Material from the Archives of the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos

C. Pavlikianov. The Athonite Slav Eusebios and His Enigmatic Noble Ancestors

D. Mureşan. Zographou et la transmission de l’idée impériale bulgare en Moldavie

M. Popović. New Insights Into the History of Balkan Fairs in the Historical Region of Macedonia (13th–19th centuries)


G. Nikolov. Publications of Vassil Gjuzelev: addenda (2006–2011)


Publisher Bulgarian Historical Heritage Foundation
Language Bulgarian, English, French, German, Italian
Pages 800
Binding paperback
ISSN 1314-2941
Creation date 2011
Size 16 х 24 cm

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