Political relations between Macedonia and the Thracian states, 359281 B.C.
Политическите отношения между Македония и тракийските държави
Category: Ancient ThraceAncient Macedonia
Language: Bulgarian with a summary in English


Table of contents /summary/


Chapter I. The Kingdoms of the Odrysae, Philip II and the Greek Colonies between 359 and 348 B.C.

Chapter II. The Wars of Philip II in Thrace (347339 B.C.)

Chapter III. Alexander the Great and His Strategoi in Thrace (335323 B.C.)

Chapter IV. Thrace and Macedonia in the Epoch of the Diadochi (323/322281 B.C.)


Политическите отношения между Македония и тракийските държави (359-281 г. пр. Хр.)

Publisher Ral Kolobar
Language Bulgarian (with extended summary in English)
Pages 286
Illustrations -
Binding paperback
ISBN 954-680-752-6
Creation date 2000
Size 16 x 24 cm

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