Table of contents /summary/


S. Alexandrov. Bronze Age Gold Torques from Bulgaria (

A. Bozkova, P. Delev. Once again about the Pottery with Painted Geometric Decoration from Southwestern Bulgaria (

K. Rabadjiev. Thracian Tombs: Mausoleums, Temples, Heroons? Part II (

B. Totev, O. Pelevina. The Vrap Hoard and the Elite Culture of Danubian Bulgarians (

D. Rabovyanov. Medieval Bone Appliqués for a Quiver from the Trapezitsa Hill in Veliko Tarnovo (


M. Klasnakov. Sondage Excavations of Tell Burgas in 2008-2009. Preliminary Report (

D. Chernakov. Chalcolithic Cemetery near the Tell of Kosharna, Russe Region. Archaeological Investigation in 2009 — 2010 (

Z. Dimitrov. Ancient Roof Tiles from Tatul (

D. Vladimirova-Aladzhova. Rare Sestertius of Britannicus from Serdica (Preliminary Report) (

R. Milcheva. Portrait Statue of Emperor Septimius Severus (

M. Ivanov. EQUITES DANUVINI SERDICENSES. The Chronology and Distribution of These Monuments (

V. Grigorov. Archaeological Investigation of the Ostrovo Rampart near the Town of Knezha (


С. Смядовски. Константин Тотев. Златни пръстени-печати от времето на Второто българско царство 1185-1396. Велико Търново, 2010
(S. Smyadovski. Konstantin Totev. Golden Signet-Rings from the Time of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom 1185-1396. Veliko Tarnovo, 2010, 175 p.)


Р. Христова. Втора национална научна конференция „Тракия и Хемимонт ІV-ХІV в.”
(Rositsa Hristova. Second National Scientific Conference  ”Thrace and Haemimont ІV-ХІV centuries”)

Защитени дисертацииѝ
Defended dissertations

In memoriam

Димитър Станчев Костадинов (1942-2010)
(Dimitar Stanchev Kostadinov (1942-2010)

Лиляна Перничева-Перец (1940-2011)
(Lilyana Pernicheva-Perets (1940-2011)

Научни книги по археология на българските земи през 2011 г.
Bulgarian archaeology books, 2011

Publisher National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences)
Language Bulgarian with summaries in English
Pages 150
Illustrations b/w figures, maps
Binding paperback
ISSN 0324-1203
Creation date 2011
Size 21 x 29 cm

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