The papers in this volume of the Thracia series result from the work on a project of the Professor Alexander Fol Centre of Thracology at the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology on the topic Ancient Thrace during the First Millennium BC: Economy, Politics, Society and Culture. It is part of the academic project The Thracians. Genesis and Development of the Ethnos, Cultural Identities, Civilisational Interactions and Heritage from Ancient Times of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Most of the texts included in the volume were presented as reports at the conference organised in Sofia at the end of 2014 involving scholars and specialists from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, the New Bulgarian University and museums in the country. The papers and studies presented here are by authors from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Macedonia, and they offer a multilateral and original reading of various issues of Thracian history and culture during the first millennium BC.
Table of contents
М. Издимирски. Траките в армията на Кир Млади
M. Izdimirski. Thracians in the Army of Cyrus the Younger (summary)
Ю. Цветкова. Земите на Месад
J. Tsvetkova. The Lands of Maisades (summary)
M. Chichikova. The Royal Palace in Seuthopolis
P. Delev. Between Pharsalus and Philippi: Thrace in the Forties BC
К. Стоев. Римското завоевание и началото на римската власт в тракийските земи (I): Октавиан и кампаниите на Марк Лициний Крас
K. Stoev. The Roman Conquest and the Beginning of the Roman Rule in the Thracian Lands (I): Octavian and the Wars Oof Marcus Licinius Crassus (summary)
D. Şerbănescu, C. Schuster, A. Morintz. Zur Metallverarbeitung in der getischen Dava von Radovanu-Gorgana a Doua, Rumänien
D. Şerbănescu, C. Schuster, A. Morintz. On Metal Working in Getic Dava from Radovanu-Gorgana a Doua, Romania (summary)
P. Balabanov. Power and Property Rights in Ancient Thrace — 6th—4th Centuries BC
Р. Георгиева. Аграрно стопанство и търговия с храни в Древна Тракия
R. Georgieva. Agriculture and Food Trade in Ancient Thrace (summary)
Общество / Society
К. Димитров. Социални и религиозни аспекти на „Царския град“ в ранноелинистическа Тракия. II.2.2. Севтополис: божествата
K. Dimitrov. Social and Religious Aspects of the “Royal City” In Early Hellenistic Thrace. II.2.2. Seuthopolis: The Deities (summary)
Д. Котова. Спарадок и родството му със Ситалк
D. Kotova. Sparadokos and his Kinship with Sitalkes (summary)
Култура / Culture
P. Mihaylov. Features of the Culture of the Upper Struma during the Early Iron Age
D. Gjorgjievski. On a Few Characteristics of the Material Culture of the Iron Age in the Northeastern Region of the Republic of Macedonia
Кр. Ников. Един необичаен съд от ранната желязна епоха от село Полски градец
Kr. Nikov. An Unusual Early Iron Age Vessel from the Village of Polski Gradets (summary)
P. Ilieva. Becoming Modern: North Aegean Thracian Communities Adopting Wheel-Made Ceramics
Д. Ботева. Семантика и функции на сребърните тракийски антропоморфни артефакти, определяни традиционно като наколенници
D. Boteva. Semantics and Function of the Silver Thracian Anthropomorphic Artifacts, Traditionally Defined as Greaves (summary)
V. Varbanov, K. Madzharov. Tumulus No. 7 at the Village of Brestovitsa, District of Rousse
V. Russeva. Results from the Anthropological Investigation of Skeletal Remains from Tumulus No. 7 near the Village of Brestovitsa, District of Rousse
D. Tsiafaki. Ancient Thrace and the Thracians through Athenian Eyes
В. Лозанова-Станчева. Маската на Борей: Древна Тракия и траките като парадигма на другостта и другия в староатическия театър
V. Lozanova-Stantcheva. The Mask of Boreas: Ancient Thrace and the Thracians as a Paradigm of Otherness and of the Others in Old-Attic Theatre (summary)
В. Фол. Пейзаж и вяра
V. Fol. Landscape and Faith (summary)
Св. Янакиева. Тракийската топонимия до края на I хил.пр.Xр.
S. Yanakieva. Thracian Toponymy until the End of the First Millennium BC (summary)
Details | |
Publisher | Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Tracology (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) |
Language | Bulgarian, English with summaries in English |
Pages | 332 |
Illustrations | b/w figures, maps |
Binding | paperback |
ISSN | 0204-9872 |
Creation date | 2017 |
Size | 16 x 24 cm |